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Background collage courtesy of Google Image search results for "Leonard Coldwell Fraud" |

It appears that Loony is trying to make a case that the receiver is running a criminal organization and a Ponzi scheme simply because the receiver -- in accordance with the law,not to mention the receivership agreement issued on August 7, 2013 (Document #742) -- is trying to keep the Global Information Network (GIN) operational for now. I've mentioned this before on this Whirled and on various Facebook forums, but one of the receiver's tasks -- and this is taken from the receivership order of August 7, 2013 (page 11 of 21, Item 12) -- is to...
Continue and conduct the businesses of any Trudeau Entity, but only to the extent it is possible to operate such businesses legally and profitably (if the Receiver determines that a Trudeau Entity cannot be operated legally, the Receiver must (A) promptly notify the Court, Plaintiff, and Trudeau, and (B) seek the Court's permission to terminate the Entity's operations.The only thing that can make this more entertaining is if Loony actually tries to file a formal complaint, or in some other way tries to get the authorities to go after the receiver, in which case the Eye of Sauron may very well turn on our favorite Mocktor (though I have a strong sense that the Big Eye is already on the little pretender).
Moreover, as you can see from the screen shot of Loony's comment, Loony and Peter Wink (Loony's sidekick and Supreme Partner in the IMBS-ing U Master Baiter's Seekrit Klub) are still "edifying" their little buddy Abe Husein for setting Kevin Trudeau's downfall in motion two years ago. Two years? Really? Even Abe has said that he first started making noise in January of 2012 about GIN possibly being a scam. And all he did at first was raise some tentative questions on a semi-private Facebook forum, The Global Information Network with Chris McGarahan, about the Platinum bonuses. That has only been a little over a year and a half ago.
And as anyone who has followed the Trudeau story in even the most superficial way knows, the cases that are now coming to a head began many years ago, when Abe was still in high school. But Kevin Trudeau's scrapes with the justice system began even further back than that, when Abe was still a toddler.
Yes, the receiver has raised serious questions about the legality of the MLM portion of GIN. We know that from reading the receiver's first report, issued September 6. But Loony's efforts to paint himself as a hero activist just make the whole thing more amusing, and it deflects from the real issues.
For more excellent insights and snarky commentary about this and related matters, as well as some truly hilarious graphics, read Bernie's latest on GINtruth.com. And please know that Bernie intends no offense whatsoever to pigs, who, unlike Loony and his Supreme Pals, actually serve a legitimate purpose in the world.
Update, 13 September. 2013: Earlier today, Loony's Supreme Partner Wink got in on the "receiver might be running a criminal org" campaign, and he named names. Loony chimed in as usual. If any of Peter's claims are true, it's possible the receiver could just be using Blaine Athorn and Jeff Devine for the receiver's own purposes, i.e., retrieving money to pay the FTC's judgment. At this point I think Winkwell would have a hell of a time making a case against the receiver.
Even so, I mentioned months ago on this Whirled and and on several Facebook forums that Blaine Athorn and Kevin go way, way back, and have been hanging together since before Katie went to prison the first time in the early 1990s. See this post, under the heading, "MLM Fever."
Anyway, here's a screen shot of Detective Wink's comment (click to enlarge):

On other threads on Abe Husein's wall, Loony has made noise about suing the FTC and the receiver if they allow the GIN Family Reunion in Washington D.C.
More about that in the next post.
Addendum, 16 September 2013: The ace muckraking team of Winkwell is still at it, demanding justice for those who were wronged. Here's Peter, proudly sharing an email he says he sent to the receiver's attorney, the FBI, and the news media...
"Multiple thanks" for the laughs, Peter
and Lenny!
Update, 22 September, 2013: The receiver and the receiver's lawyer should be shaking in their shoes now as the Winkwell muckraking machine plows on. Peter and Loony have actually been the ones who have been harping on the issue of "corrupt" investigators, but now Peter is trying to push some of the blame...I mean credit... on to little buddy Abe, who, implies Peter, surely deserves a Nobel prize for his life-saving actions.
I will concede that, according to actual respectable mainstream journalists who were in the courtroom for one of Trudeau's recent hearings, the FTC apparently brought up the issue of whether or not the receiver might possibly be operating an illegal company by continuing to keep GIN operational. I will share more details (and documents) as they become available.
As mentioned above, though, even the receiver expressed doubts in their first report about the legality of GIN's MLM. They may or may not shut GIN down, but it appears that the FTC, not surprisingly, is simply trying to accelerate the shut-down process. But the point is that...um...once again, it is the Feds who are calling the shots here, and the Feds who are "exposing" the fraud, and the Feds who will stop it if it is to be stopped -- not the Three Stooges. This point may make anti-government people uncomfortable, but that's just the way it is.
Anyway, here are a couple of shots from today (and as usual, click to enlarge).

Update, 22 September, 2013: The receiver and the receiver's lawyer should be shaking in their shoes now as the Winkwell muckraking machine plows on. Peter and Loony have actually been the ones who have been harping on the issue of "corrupt" investigators, but now Peter is trying to push some of the blame...I mean credit... on to little buddy Abe, who, implies Peter, surely deserves a Nobel prize for his life-saving actions.
I will concede that, according to actual respectable mainstream journalists who were in the courtroom for one of Trudeau's recent hearings, the FTC apparently brought up the issue of whether or not the receiver might possibly be operating an illegal company by continuing to keep GIN operational. I will share more details (and documents) as they become available.
As mentioned above, though, even the receiver expressed doubts in their first report about the legality of GIN's MLM. They may or may not shut GIN down, but it appears that the FTC, not surprisingly, is simply trying to accelerate the shut-down process. But the point is that...um...once again, it is the Feds who are calling the shots here, and the Feds who are "exposing" the fraud, and the Feds who will stop it if it is to be stopped -- not the Three Stooges. This point may make anti-government people uncomfortable, but that's just the way it is.
Anyway, here are a couple of shots from today (and as usual, click to enlarge).

Related: The Winkwell team tries to elevate Abe to hero/martyr status. Major fail. Namaste, little buddy!
More True-dough on this Whirled:
- September 2013: Neo-stinker Mark Scamilton cleaned up in GIN -- everyone else, not so much
- September 2013: Kevin Trudeau's opulent lifestyle in danger (maybe), while the Scamworld Express chugs along
- August 2013: Man made famous by Kevin Trudeau tells you how to cure aging, death, tumors, herpes, and ugliness
- August 2013: Kevin Trudeau smacked around again by ABC, while Loony Lenny & Captain Winky sell speed
- August 2013: Kevin Trudeau: things heat up as criminal trial approaches
- July 2013: No cage for Katie (sorry, Lenny)
- July 2013: Leonard Coldwell and Kevin Trudeau: love and marriage and pots and kettles
- July 2013: Kevin Trudeau asks court to let him go to Zurich, FTC sez no, judge sez no too
- July 2013: Kevin Trudeau: The FTC is really, really mad now...sort of
- July 2013: Kevin Trudeau: Gone fishing? Or something...
- July 2013: Kevin Trudeau: Rumors, lies, and SNAG support
- June 2013: The Health Ranger: another phony hero in the fight against Scamworld?
- June 2013: Kevin Trudeau in court again: Something big... something really big!... or maybe not
- June 2013: Kevin Trudeau and justice: muddy waters
- May 2013: ABC has fun with Kevin Trudeau, and life goes on
- May 2013: ABC tackles Kevin Trudeau -- again!
- May 2013: Kevie goes a-courtin': pleading the Fifth
- May 2013: Kevin Trudeau: Justice...or just more paper shuffling?
- May 2013: Kevin Trudeau: Countdown to court date (or not)
- May 2013: Kevin Trudeau + Mark Hamilton = GIN with a twist of Neo-stink
- April 2013: Bankruptcy: GIN members await Level 7 while Kevin Trudeau files Chapter 7
- March 2013: Ryan Kath at KSHB-TV does Trudeau/GIN update, Coldwell & Wink continue to scam with cheap imitation of GIN
- February 2013: Kevin Trudeau's GIN: The sky is falling (again)...yawn
- February 2013: Loony Coldwell: Cheesy video and bad spelling
- February 2013: IBMS Master's Society Supreme Loony Coldwell strikes again
- February 2013: Faux heroes and hypocrisy in action
- February 2013: Meet the new scam, same as the old scam, Part 2
- January 2013: Vital signs: "Immortal" (former) breatharian Mony Vital dies on GIN cruise
- January 2013: Meet the new scam, same as the old scam, Part 1
- December 2012: 2012 ~ The Whirled goes on
- November 2012: Kevin Trudeau: justice delayed...again
- November 2012: Kevin Trudeau exposé on KSHB-TV: buzz, backlash, and big beginnings
- November 2012: Alien nation: just how crazy is Kevin Trudeau (not to mention his sheeple)?
- November 2012: Kevin Trudeau: KSHB-TV undercover investigation
- November 2012: Kevin Trudeau gets some more mainstream lovin'
- October 2012: Evil has not won
- October 2012: Kevin Trudeau: Rats in our heads, GIN down the toilet...and life goes on
- October 2012: Kevin Trudeau: The shape of things to come?
- September 2012: Leonard Coldwell and Fred Van Liew: Pot, meet kettle
- August 2012: Truth is better than GIN any day
- July 2012: Drunk on GIN, and you can too!
- July 2012: Kevin Trudeau's GIN: part of the big sick machine
- July 2012: Independence Daze
- May 2012 (updated September 2012): Paging Dr. C: Bernd bridges in Deutschland?
- May 2012: Can alien DNA save Kevin Trudeau's GIN?
- May 2012: Does a canary with a GIN hangover sing as sweetly?
- April 2012: Viva Lost Wages: Sin City Become GIN City for a weekend
- February 2012: A. Rose by any other name would shill as sweet
- December 2011: True-dough updates: Bad poetry for KT, hate mail for CC
- November 2011: A jumpsuit for Jimmy
- August 2011: First Amendment Stuporhero
- August 2011: Everything old is Nouveau again (or, Neo-scam by any other name) -- Part 2 of 2
- August 2011: Calling all lazy men: let's build a pyramid together!
- August 2011: Everything old is Nouveau again (or, Neo-scam by any other name), Part 1 of 2
- June 2011: Holy Guacamole! True-dough's racist rants
- June 2011: For he's a jolly good felon: True-dough speaks out for Death Ray
- December 2009 (amended several times in 2010): Illuminutty: the secret brotherhood of the chronically gullible
- November 2009: How to take over the world
- July 2009: Horse farts and related matters
- January 2009: Mr. Fire meets up with true dough
* * * * *
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I'm wondering why you are asking for donations when obviously your a government paid troll. I'm sure your 69ing Mark dice while the two of you go out on dates with your evil pharmaceutical industry pay off money.
Either that or your completely under establishment mind control programming; the only thing that is real to you is what you hear on the peoples republic of America propaganda broadcast brought to you by Lame Stream media.
What have you ever done to help your community, your country, or the world. Excuse me I forgot you are a self proclaimed shallow narcissist so you don't help or encourage people unless its a YOU thing- and on that count i believe you. And no I don't expect that you have the guts to print this.
Ha, ha, Anon, good one! Thanks for livening up my comments section, which has been all too quiet of late.
Of course, on the remote chance that you are actually being serious (perhaps you are a fan of Loony Coldwell's?), I will say that I am a little confused. Isn't Mark Dice (whom I've never actually met or even spoken to) *anti* Big Pharma?
Even if you are serious, thank you for livening up my comments section with your craziness. If you seriously believe Loony Coldwell's daft claims that I am paid by the government or Big Pharma, you are altogether too gullible. Learn to think for yourself and don't let that little lunatic do your thinking for you.
First I was going to suggest that 'Anon' above, was actually Coldwell, but then I realised that the spelling is above his standard.
So I'm guessing it's probably one of his dumb cohorts, given that the linguistics and intonation used in that comical piece of writing, is very much like him. Must be rubbing off on people.
Eeewww..just had a Coldwell Hands On image …yuk….
I've received several similar messages for gintruth.com too Connie, but I usually don't allow posts where the writer is too cowardly to give their name, and instead has to be a keyboard warrior and hide behind 'Anon'. I usually get emails from 'none@none.com' - but they're too stupid to hide their IP. Although recently, the latest 'none' has been very helpful and supportive.
As for your donation button….does 'Anon' really believe that you use it to get paid by the government? Buwahahaha! Just how stupid and pathetic can they be? Oh yeah…stupid enough to suggest you're in cahoots with the government and big pharma, while doing a 69 with a guy you've never even spoken to. Although the latter part is more that they are showing their disgusting and perverted side in such rantings, thus, yeah, it could well be that stupid little fake twerp, Loony Lenny Coldwell!
Thanks, Bernie, and well said. I still think it sounds more like a Loony C fan than the actual Loony C himself. But someone who is dim enough to be a Loony fan may very well be dim enough to buy any of Loony's illogical claims.
I don't mind Anonymous posts, except that it can get confusing when several different Anons join in on the same conversation, and I'm trying to address their specific comments.
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