On the compellingly toxic and seemingly indestructible tree that yields an endless supply of hucksters, hustledorks, flim-flammers, and fraudsters -- the Tree of Lies, you might call it -- Kevin Trudeau is, I realize, the low-hanging fruit. It scarcely takes any effort at all to find negative information about him; for more than twenty years a string of critics in both the mainstream and not-so-mainstream media have been blasting away at him for his creative methods of parting the trusting masses from their money. He's been in prison (1991-93), he has been fined extraordinary sums, and yet he keeps on churning out the scams. As I've noted many times before, I'm not treading any new ground here.
And yet, KT and some of his more loyal followers just keep coming up with more imaginative malarkey, and I never cease to be both amused and astounded by the absolute and utter crap that the hopeful masses continue, against all reason and common sense, to believe.
The newest news is that, beginning today, Friday the 13th, and lasting for three fun-filled days, you have a whole new way to lose your money in Sin City: the GIN Dream Weekend in Las Vegas, April 13-15, 2012.
GIN, or the Global Information Network, is one of KT's most majorly mercenary money grabs. Defenders like to say that he doesn't actually own GIN but is merely a co-founder, along with about thirty other world-class billionaires (who, of course, shall remain anonymous), and he merely acts as the spokesman for this "multi-form company organized in Nevis/St. Kitts." GIN, or so the marketing tall tale goes, is based upon seekrit knowledge that until now was only accessible to princes and presidents and Bilderbergers and Bohemian Grovers and other elites.
KT claims to have once been a member of a secret society called The Brotherhood himself (beginning at either the age of 12 or the age of 15, depending upon which version of the tall tale he's telling); they approached him, he says, because they recognized what a rare and gifted soul he was. He says he risked his life when he finally left the society and opted to share The Brotherhood's forbidden information with the public.
He says that some of the other founders of GIN are still members of elite secret societies, which is the only way he can continue to get all of the inside information so he can sell it to GIN members, but which of course also 'splains why he has to keep the other founders' names hidden, because otherwise their fellow society members would shun them or even... gasp... kill them.
And people -- educated grownups, mind you -- BELIEVE this. Since some time in 2009, GIN has been skillfully preying upon the hopes and fears of those who long for financial independence and wealth beyond their wildest imaginings.
If you're unfamiliar with GIN and don't want to take time to follow the other links in this paragraph, here's a Squidoo page to get you up to speed quickly.
The GIN Dream Weekend site basically consists of a few teasers about how fabulously exciting the event and its host city are. But in truth it tells nothing about what the event actually is; it only promises that attending will allow you to "Bathe yourself in this high vibration environment that will TRANSFORM YOUR LIFE!" KT and his minions are talking a lot about vibrations these days; you'd think they were '60s era hippies, but really they're still just slogging that old Law of Attraction meme, inspired by Abrascam Hicks and The Secret.
The GIN Dream Weekend site also says that the Dream Weekend is a MAJOR EVENT, and Major Events are must-attends where "decisions are made and lives are changed." I'll just bet they are. The promotional video tells nothing either. And yet... and yet... they're drooling with excitement about it on the Global Information Network Facebook page.
Baccarat bounty...or not
Las Vegas seems like the perfect place for a GIN event, particularly since one of the hooks GIN has been using is the promotion of gambling systems that True-dough claims he has used to make millions for himself over the years. Apparently KT has been pushing this stuff for a while, but I just recently became aware of it a few days ago when I heard from someone who's concerned about a long-time friend who has become deeply involved with GIN.
The person who wrote to me hadn't really even heard of Kevin True-dough before conversing with this friend and conducting some independent research. I'll share parts of the email, which my correspondent gave me permission to use. The first item of concern was the actual cost of membership:
The $20,000 to get through the GIN [Membership] levels does not include the monthly cruises / Vegas trips / Seminars or additional GIN learning opportunities.
Members pay another $1000 plus transportation and expenses to go to these things and meet the charlatans. Monthly costs for the brainwashed can easily be over 5 grand per month after participating in all the fabulous GIN events.
That's pretty much consistent with what I've heard from others. And here's where the gambling comes in. My correspondent continued:
In addition to this stuff and what you already know, GIN is really trying to bash its most gullible members over the head with their ... Baccarat "money management system." Whatever money they make sending their dopey hoards off to a casino with their last 10 grand is nothing compared to the money these people will lose following [this] gambling system.
That got me doing a little rudimentary research of my own, and I found a mention of baccarat, and wealth through gambling, in a post by a very enthusiastic GIN blogger named David Krueger, who appears to have a major man-crush on True-dough:
In this f-----g amazing installment, Kevin reveals that he has convinced his friend, who has an amazing sytem [sic] for winning at Baccarat, night after night, will be teaching a one time only seminar to GIN members. We are also getting the horse racing sytem [sic] that Kevin himself has used to win millions over the years. Are you kidding, Join GIN now!Here is a link to the video mentioning the gambling. If you don't want to watch the entire vid -- and I certainly can't blame you because it's one hour you'll never get back -- I'll tell you now that the gambling stuff starts at about 1:07 and continues through about 12:00. It's pretty disgusting.
If you go to the KT Radio Network site, you'll see a list of entries with a "baccarat" tag: http://www.ktradionetwork.com/tag/baccarat/
Granted, the KT vid I linked to above was posted over a year ago, and at that time True-dough said that the baccarat training he was planning to offer, thanks to the good graces of a baccarat-savvy buddy of his named Don, was only going to be a one-time deal. Of course, as I noted to my correspondent in a subsequent email, we know that the perception of scarcity is one of the tools (or weapons) of influence documented by Robert Cialdini in his classic book, and it's a weapon that is used shamelessly by the slimiest of Internet marketers.
In any case I wondered if KT and GIN are still pushing the gambling wisdumb as part of the package of "benefits" for those who pay for GIN membership. One of the "benefits" listed on the GIN member benefits page is, "How to be lucky and win at gambling, including horse racing, baccarat and other casino games," but I wanted a little more information.
So I asked my correspondent about this, and was assured that the observations shared in the email were based upon very recent exchanges with GIN members, some of whom had done the gambling seminar about a month ago and were obviously gambling novices, but were gambling 5-10 grand per week using their newly learned system. My correspondent added:
I am guessing the scarcity of the training depends on how easily or cheaply GIN can get a degenerate gambler to show up...
I'll add more specific info about the gambling/"money management" systems actually being taught to GIN members as I get it. Apparently they are based upon the Martingale betting system. Wrote my correspondent:
The system is good for scammers because it works as long as you have a large bankroll. Once you start getting near your limit you risk it all until you are broke again. These guys can sell the systems as long as people are betting and not yet broke. People using the system will claim they are winning constantly and will not admit that they lost their shirts until they need to borrow money. Using the system with a large bankroll means you can stretch out your 1% loss over a long period of time and tout [the] system to other nincompoops.
In any event, I think my correspondent nailed it pretty well in the first email to me:
Of all the shady nasty things GIN seems to be putting into the heads of these gullible nitwits, to me this one is the worst. For the few grand GIN might make for selling this crap to its members they are encouraging them to risk 100 times more money than GIN could possibly make on this scheme...
Until I met a few GIN members I would have laughed about this stupidity, but the scams are starting to look like stealing candy from babies. I am sure the few members I've met will be cleaned out within a year.
Harsh words, those. And lest you think this is a case of victim-bashing, the context makes it clear to me that my correspondent is motivated chiefly by compassion and concern for a close friend who has recently been imbibing the GIN-spiked Kool-Aid in a big way. As for me, I still struggle between my compassion for the easily fooled and eternally hopeful, and my desire to grab them by the collective shirt collar and shake them (figuratively speaking), while shouting at them:It seems Trudeau has found the perfect balance between Amway, Tony Robbins, As-Seen-on-TV, conspiracy theories, cults and Scientology. Much of his pabulum is just repackaged self help nonsense from as early as 1800s mixed with objectivism. It seems he has pre-programmed his followers so no amount of evidence of this fact will ever penetrate their heads.
Of course, KT has convinced many that it's the rest of us who are asleep, and the lucky ones who join GIN who are awake.
Jimmy Ray Jumpsuit serving GIN from prison cell

And in related news -- probably worth a blog post of its own, but I'm a little rushed today -- convicted killer James Arthur "Death" Ray, currently serving time in prison for the deaths of three people in his fake sweat lodge in October 2009, is apparently trying to help True-dough out by flogging Your Wish Is Your Command, the 14-CD upsell for GIN. Wrote Tragedy In Sedona author Connie Joy on her Facebook page yesterday:
Under the subject of "You just can't make this kind of thing up" I just got an email from JamesRay@aweber.com with the title of "From the Desk Of James Arthur Ray"! I didn't know that he had a desk in jail?!? But he is still selling his stuff. He has a "GREAT OPPORTUNITY FOR YOU" a program he is calling Your Wish Is Your Command. "I've personally gone through the entire program and can strongly recommend it to you." Yes, you want to buy this so you can be just like him???Perhaps Death Ray is just paying True-dough back for speaking out in defense of Death Ray (and the entire selfish-help industry) on the KT "radio" show last year.

More True-dough on this Whirled:
- February 2012: A. Rose by any other name would shill as sweet
- December 2011: True-dough updates: Bad poetry for KT, hate mail for CC
- November 2011: A jumpsuit for Jimmy
- August 2011: First Amendment Stuporhero
- August 2011: Calling all lazy men: let's build a pyramid together!
- August 2011: Everything old is Nouveau again (or, Neo-scam by any other name), Part 1 of 2
- June 2011: Holy Guacamole! True-dough's racist rants
- June 2011: For he's a jolly good felon: True-dough speaks out for Death Ray
- December 2009: Illuminutty: the secret brotherhood of the chronically gullible
- November 2009: How to take over the world
- July 2009: Horse farts and related matters
- January 2009: Mr. Fire meets up with true dough
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Call a spade a spade.
GIN is a cult.
Trudeau is a cult leader.
That's all that needs to be said.
Didn't Tony Robbins invent the "I was approached by a secret society when I was younger" gimmick? Usually it came with a story about how he moved a boulder up a hill after which a secret society member admired him and tried to recruit him.
Anyone looking to research these gambling systems can do a google search for AC BUTCH or Don Tigert. You can find hundreds of reviews of their gambling systems, only half of which will be written by them. They get busted fairly often posting their own praises on gambling message boards.
If this freakoid really believed in his betting scam theories, he'd use them instead of asking for donations to the kevin trudeau legal defense fund:
Kevin Trudeau needs you to stand with him. Stand up for your constitutional liberties, and help him fend off the criminals in power trying to silence and even jail advocates of free speech for talking about the benefits of natural prevention, treatment, diet and cures. Support Kevin Trudeau by contributing to the Kevin Trudeau Legal Defense Fund - Source: http://standwithkt.com/cause
For the record, I would love to stand up for Kevin Trudeau. I would love to stand up when the judge says 'would the defendant please rise' and then remain standing while the judge imposes a life sentence for being a narcissistic money-hungry psychopathological liar.
Hi, Sheila, good to see you here. The more I learn about GIN and hear firsthand about the havoc it wreaks in the lives of hopefuls, the more I am inclined to agree with you about the cult thing. True-dough and, increasingly, his buddy Leonard Fraudwell... I mean Coldwell (the guy who claims to have found THE cure for cancer)... seem to be going out of their way to attract worshipful followers -- though of course not for even a marginally spiritual agenda, but a monetary one.
Hi there, Tom Banjo. I hadn't heard of Tony Robbins being approached by a member of a seekrit society, but it wouldn't be surprising.
Seems like even lots of ordinary folks get approached all the time by a "secret society." Traditionally they have been approached by mail, though.
When I Googled "was Tony Robbins a member of a secret society" this is the first result that came up:
Interestingly enough (well, interesting to me, anyway :-)), this is a piece about the long-running scheme/scam called Neo-Tech, aka NovaTech, aka Nouveau Tech. KT met NT founder Frank Wallace when both were doing time in prison, Wallace for tax evasion and KT for credit card fraud. As I have noted previously, I have no doubt that KT got a lot of his seekrit-society inspiration (and prolly some GIN materials too) from the late Mr. Wallace and the reigning head of Neo-Tech, Wallace's son Mark Scamilton. I mean, Mark Hamilton.
I blogged about that at length last year:
Interesting stuff about AC Butch and Don Tigert, aka Don T. Unfortunately, the very people who most need to do the research on these gambling systems are probably the ones least likely to do it. Instead they'll just swallow everything KT spits out, and continue to throw their money away till they have none left. Then KT will spit THEM out and go on to the next marks.
You nailed it, Roger. It's outrageous that KT is so bold about recruiting the very people he's screwing so they can enable him to continue to screw them and thousands of others.
While "narcissistic money-hungry psychopathological liar" seems a perfect description of KT, that in and of itself is not an imprisonable offense. And remember, he's already been in prison, an experience that apparently only gave him his second wind. He's been scheming and scamming nonstop since getting out of the joint in 1993.
It amazes me that anyone could possibly fall for this GIN crap. I just don't get it. The salty droid is never going to like me because I just can't find a lot of sympathy for people who won't help themselves.
I mean, honeslty, how could you looks at the GIN and see anything but a con job pyramid scheme?
I do think we need to ask the bigger question though. What is wrong with out society and our world that *so many* people are so desperately looking for a way out?
I think this says it best: http://www.gocomics.com/pearlsbeforeswine/2012/01/03
People are feeling so beaten down by the "system" which in all honestly is doing exactly what it was designed to do that they will do anything to beat it, including becoming part of it.
Heck, I curse every time I fill up my gas tank, but I am considering getting a job in the Alberta oil sands, so that you know, I can maybe one day afford to start a family and buy a house.
The Favorite Husband was once asked to join the Masons.
It did not go well.
Hi, Jonathan. As I mentioned in my post, I still struggle between compassion for those who are taken in by obvious cons, and aggravation at some of them. The ones who really aggravate me are those who passionately or angrily defend the con artists (while calling my fellow critics and me ignorant or worse).
Your "bigger question" is an important one, and yeah, I think the Pearls Before Swine cartoon summed it up pretty well.
Hey, Mojo. Thanks for the link. I just read your post, and all I can say is, good for your Fave Hubby. I trust that he has recovered from the crushing disappointment of not being invited back to Mr. Mason's home.
Not surprisingly, some of True-dough's top folks are Freemasons.
FYI: A big GIN defender commented on one of my "Neo-Scam" posts the other day:
Hi Connie, I checked your blog a few months ago after a friend "helpfully" sent me a copy of "Your Wish is Your Command". I was curious to see what Trudeau had been up to lately. I'd already been aware of the Trudeau B.S.er's books from years ago but my friend was unaware of this and was gushing about how these CDs were going to change (had changed) her life.
I sent her a letter immediately after listening to a few of them critically analyzing YWIYC which must have offended her - she always complains about my skeptical nature - as she didn't respond to my letter and has stopped talking to me at all.
Now today I see on Facebook she's just posted a picture of herself from the MGM Grand at this bogus conference you mentioned which is why I goggled it and your blog came up again. Patient arguments pointing at obvious fallacies didn't turn her mind away from it. Her life has been crap for quite a few years with health issues, marriage issues, money issues etc... but she is a generous caring person with no vices and two happy children. It saddens me deeply that this has happened.
She's been sucked in bad and I don't know what to do.
I'm sorry to hear about your friend, Kenny G. Maybe she'll wake up someday. But as I was discussing recently with someone else who is also concerned about a friend who has imbibed the GIN-spiked Kool-Aid, trying to change your friend's mind while she's drunk on GIN may be a lost cause. All you can do is be there for her as much as you're able without sacrificing your own sanity -- and do whatever you can to educate others who haven't taken their first sip of GIN.
OT: Here's a new snarky term I'd love for you to use: Holisitic
It's like holistic and parasitic merged together. It was actually a typo - or a Freudian slip - in a bulk emailed I received regarding a holistic - or holisitic - event.
Lanna, that's an excellent word. It's even better than "homeslessness." ;-)
Great word. I'm going to incorporate it into my repertoire. It describes these opportunistic organisms, uh... organizations, perfectly.
Interesting to note you are here taking donations. Hmmmm.... Also interesting to note you have almost as many posts on here as your guests comments. Perhaps this GIN thing is not all it claims to be. I am sure everyone has some skeletons in there closet. However, I have personally seen alot of people benefit tremendously as a result of being involved. I have already seen a marriage on the rocks been restored. I have seen the formation of succesful business partnerships form which would not have came to be without the club. I have also seen a person who was depressed and seeing a REAL CON-ARTIST (A medical doctor) totally rebound. Could these results have been accomplished in other ways without this club? Sure... But to label everyone as losers? It really speaks to the type of person YOU are Connie. You come across as someone who is bitter, has been around the block one to many times, and is unfulfiled. So if these so-called "losers" are being conned, but are happy as can be, what does that make you? You have taken all this time and effort to blog about these people. Something to think about for you...
LOL, Kenny G.
Anon Saturday, May 12, 2012 7:35:00 PM: Hey, Dr. C., is that you? Looks like your writing style. But I thought you and Kevin were on the outs! Oh, wait, you have that 10-year GIN contract, so you just have to make the best of it...
But seriously. Whether you are Dr. C. or just someone who has a major man-crush on him and KT, my 'Donation' button is a straw man, and it is an issue I've addressed numerous times before in the discussions on this blog and in some posts as well. Such as this one:
But here we go again.
I have NEVER said, nor have I ever implied, that there is anything wrong with making money or with asking for money. It's how one makes that money and what one offers -- or promises -- in return that makes the difference between a con artist and an honest person.
I don't promise anything to anyone in exchange for his or her donation; there's only the light-hearted statement that a donation will help "feed the Snark." I don't promise that people who donate will become rich and healthy and that they'll get to hang around with Bilderberg and Illuminati elite on yachts in far-flung places, if they’ll just “invest” twenty grand or so to get up to the right membership level. I don’t promise they’ll be able to get rich “the lazy way.” And just in case you are wondering, I don't make anything even close to a living wage from donations; I have a real job, and this blog is just a hobby.
BTW, Kevin Trudeau has more than just a few "skeletons" in his closet. Actually they're not even in the closet. They're out there in the open, and are glaringly apparent to those who are willing to use their brains for critical thinking rather than for chasing dreams of “elite” club membership.
And, hey, nice work with the ad hominem: doing the pop-psychoanalysis on the critic. Do you think you’re the first to put forth the stunning suggestion that I only criticize because there is something profoundly wrong in my life? I've been called jealous, bitter, a loser, unfulfilled...
...and much, much worse. I’ve even gotten a death threat or two. It's a standard response that believers and con artists alike use on critics.
By the way, that "Losers" stamp on the graphic wasn't meant to imply that the folks in that crowd are losers as human beings. But if they're placing their bets on GIN or Kevin Trudeau, they WILL lose in the end.
Finally, I am hearing more stories all the time about people who are NOT getting the promised results from GIN, despite working hard and doing everything they are “supposed” to do – and yet they are still being manipulated into bleeding their credit cards or bank accounts dry for this sorry scheme. And in some cases, they’re leeching off of others to get yet more money.
Kevin True-dough should be ashamed, but he has long since demonstrated that he is incapable of shame.
It's too bad that there are people who are actually benefiting from learning new information in their lives like some of the information Trudeau shares and there are people who have not tried it and are really talking out of their asses.
I believe information from people who have first hand experience in testing it out scientifically whether or not Trudeau's advice works.
Remember, what you think are facts are mostly just people's opinion's. I'm so grateful to hear different opinion's like your's Connie but that's all it is. An opinion. You have to do what works for you.
Sadly, people like you do not respect other people's personal accomplishments, if you happen to lack the ability to understand them. To you, there's only one way of doing things and you can't even fathom that there is a possibility that you may be wrong.
Yeah, I'm not afraid to admit I got scammed by Trudeau. Do you want to know what happened?
I lost 55 pounds and never get sick anymore. Boy I sure was scammed for spending $20 on his Natural cures book which details 100's of doctors alternative health methods from around the planet, not Trudeau's.
But western medicine with it's horrible track record of virtually every single disease exploding for the last 20 years, is the onlt type of medicine. There's no other way on planet earth to cure disease. That's a "fact".
By the way I know you won't approve my comment to be viewed on your blog because that's how flimsy your arguments are. You can't even handle the opinion of a brainwashed Trudeau following idiot.
It couldn't be Coldwell, Connie, as it was too close to having passable 6th grade grammar and spelling. Might be True-dough himself (or whomever he has writing for him nowadays. Perhaps the Twink.
Your first red flag: Someone claims immunity to illnesses. Maybe he believes it, but that just means he's lying to himself.
This is so not-a-doctor-C! The grammar, the spelling, the flip-flopping - got his trademark all over it!
" Anonymous said...
Interesting to note you are here taking donations. Hmmmm.... Also interesting to note you have almost as many posts on here as your guests comments. Perhaps this GIN thing is not all it claims to be. I am sure everyone has some skeletons in there closet. However, I have personally seen alot of people benefit tremendously as a result of being involved. I have already seen a marriage on the rocks been restored. I have seen the formation of succesful business partnerships form which would not have came to be without the club. I have also seen a person who was depressed and seeing a REAL CON-ARTIST (A medical doctor) totally rebound. Could these results have been accomplished in other ways without this club? Sure... But to label everyone as losers? It really speaks to the type of person YOU are Connie. You come across as someone who is bitter, has been around the block one to many times, and is unfulfiled. So if these so-called "losers" are being conned, but are happy as can be, what does that make you? You have taken all this time and effort to blog about these people. Something to think about for you..."
And then there's this clump-nugget:
"Anonymous said...
It's too bad that there are people who are actually benefiting from learning new information in their lives like some of the information Trudeau shares and there are people who have not tried it and are really talking out of their asses.
I believe information from people who have first hand experience in testing it out scientifically whether or not Trudeau's advice works.
Remember, what you think are facts are mostly just people's opinion's. I'm so grateful to hear different opinion's like your's Connie but that's all it is. An opinion. You have to do what works for you.
Sadly, people like you do not respect other people's personal accomplishments, if you happen to lack the ability to understand them. To you, there's only one way of doing things and you can't even fathom that there is a possibility that you may be wrong.
Yeah, I'm not afraid to admit I got scammed by Trudeau. Do you want to know what happened?
I lost 55 pounds and never get sick anymore. Boy I sure was scammed for spending $20 on his Natural cures book which details 100's of doctors alternative health methods from around the planet, not Trudeau's.
But western medicine with it's horrible track record of virtually every single disease exploding for the last 20 years, is the onlt type of medicine. There's no other way on planet earth to cure disease. That's a "fact".
Sunday, February 17, 2013 1:49:00 PM
Anonymous said...
By the way I know you won't approve my comment to be viewed on your blog because that's how flimsy your arguments are. You can't even handle the opinion of a brainwashed Trudeau following idiot.
Sunday, February 17, 2013 1:52:00 PM "
As is usual with you morons, you are too cowardly to give your real name and contact info. Truth is, and this is to the 2nd clump-nugget, you just don't get it! Trudeau didn't write any of this stuff! NONE! Get it? NONE!! All he did was regurgitate everyone else's work.
But I suspect that people like you, think it's okay for him to plagiarize, scam, steal credit card info, etc,
Try doing some research on the facts like we have! If you consider this to be just "opinion", then you really are an idiot, of the highest calibre!
I think a good measure of how effective Trudeau's methods are is to check eBay to see if you can find one of these super valuable "Your Wish is Your Command" box sets. Who would want to sell such a precious and useful item whose advice has immeasurably improved their life?
This is hilarious, why would so many people all go to this site to complain? How could they possibly be so angry about anything that they would constantly post angry, bitter, sarcastic opinions? Are all these people just ONE person pretending to be several? Is the one person blogging so self-absorbed that they do not want anyone else to improve themselves, so they bring others down to lift themselves up?
Anyone with a socially effective personality would not type out angry nonsense all day trying to be clever.
Why should anyone assume these bloggers' opinions are at all valid? They are completely demonstrating what terrible personalities they have by whining about people and organizations that would not affect unless they wanted them to by focusing attention on them.
Look the other way and get over it and get over yourselves!
Move on with your life - get out of this rut you think is justified.
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