I have a ton of work but am determined
not to let September slip away without at least one more post,
and one that is about something besides the stupidest man in Scamworld.
I've said my piece about that for the time being, and even though
I'm not going to give up on this subject, there are so many other
more interesting and more important topics to blog about. So. Even
though it has been a busy month, work-wise, I am going to make
good on my promise to post updates about the saga of imprisoned serial scammer Kevin Trudeau, aka KT, aka Katie, as well as some
of the folks who are struggling to keep his legacy alive while he cools his heels at Club Fed. Or Camp Cupcake, as he calls his new home at Federal
Prison Camp in Montgomery, Alabama.
The gushing (and eye-rolling) posts on
Katie's Facebook fan page continue,
most of them first-person homilies that lately seem to be
seriously pandering to the New-Agey Law of Attraction crowd.
Trudeau seems to be sounding more and more like a New-Age ninny,
as opposed to some of the earlier Facebook posts when he appeared to be pandering to the more traditionally
religious believers in miracles and such. The messages for the posts are still presumably being
sent via email to, and then posted by, Katie proxies such as his
long-time business associate and ex-girlfriend Janine.
Occasionally, however, one of his cronies will pop on and talk
about going to visit Katie in the clink, marveling at the fact
that he is in such good spirits and is An Inspiration to All of
Us, and is really Walking the Talk and Living the Training and so
For instance, Earlene Vining, cohort of
staunch Trudeau loyalist Ed
Foreman, recently posted this, which
looks like an attempt at free-verse poetry but may just be an
unfortunate line-break glitch (as usual, click to enlarge):
"Kevin is a bright
Star in all of our lives..."
Do I hear the sound of some of you gagging?
And every few days there's a blurb about an
upcoming legal fundraiser for Katie that will take place in
Colorado on October 23, 2014. (Here's a link to a September 24 promo post on Facebook.) If you make a contribution of "only $200"
to the Defense Fund, you'll get a complimentary ticket to the big
rally that will be hosted by Katie's pal Coach Coral (Grant,
formerly Thomas). Coral is currently being flogged as Trudeau's
"protege," who "does not do public speaking
engagements so this is a very rare opportunity to spend time with
Coral live and in person." Which is utter bull crap. Coral, whom I've mentioned a few times on my blog (particularly here) reportedly has a deal
with Katie that she gets to milk his brand for all it's worth
(and it's still worth quite a lot, apparently) if she contributes
an agreed-upon amount to his defense fund.
Kevin himself, through his proxy/proxies, continues to pile it on
thick, as indicated by this September 16 bit of inspiration:
Everyone likes/desires/wants different
things. That is why there are menus at restaurants! LOL
Some people LOVE to skydive, or ski, or scuba dive, or
garden, or paint, or play tennis, or watch horror films, or
read terrifying novels. I personally do not LOVE any of those
and might even HATE some of those. I like/love challenging my
physical/mental/and emotional limits be it hiking for days
with limited food and no shelter! Or being attacked by the US
Government and having all my possessions taken away! Or being
thrown in a jail cell for 23 hours a day for months not
knowing when or if you will ever be let out! [Apparently
this is a reference to his experiences at MCC, not Camp
Cupcake. ~CC] Or do mental exercises for days straight
without food or sleep to access spiritual dimensions few have
ever been! The list could go on and on. These are MY desires.
The point is we all want/love/desire different things,
experiences and conditions. There is no right and wrong, or
good, better and best when it comes to desires/wants or
things you love. You love and get pleasure from certain
things, and I love and get pleasure from perhaps the things
YOU hate, or scare you the most. Many people however, are not
deliberate creators of their life's experiences. Most people
do not consciously choose what they experience in their life.
Most people are not focusing on their preferences or what
they decided they love/want/desire. And most people are not
focusing on WHY they want these things/experiences in their
lives. When you focus on what you want and WHY you want it,
(instead of HOW you are going to get it), you will be happier
and you WILL manifest what you want. Many people ask WHY I
would want to experience what I am experiencing. The answer
is simple. I LOVE this! You see, my desire is to teach, to
share. (this is my destiny as decided on by ME long
ago...longer than you realize) In order to teach and share
with complete effectiveness, I must KNOW, not just KNOW
ABOUT. I must have DONE what I am to teach. And I must first
HAVE what it is I want to share. VERY few people will ever
feel the desire or have the joy I (and others throughout
history) have for living these type of experiences. When you
are taught by someone who KNOWS (experienced it firsthand)
you can then truly learn because YOU then experience it
vicariously through that teacher. You virtually learn via
osmosis. This is why throughout history, Guru's, Sages,
Enlightened Ones, Saints, Masters etc have had such a
profound impact on those who were READY, and physically close
to the one who KNOWS. I am doing my part. I am going
"places" you will never want to go, and
experiencing things you will never want to experience first
hand. I am increasing that which I KNOW. I will be out and
among you sometime between mid next year and 2022! LOL The
Universe KNOWS the best and perfect HOW and WHEN. If you are
ready, the sky is the limit for you, and the best is yet to
Much love
In other words (if I'm reading this right),
Katie's time in the clink is turning him into a gen-yoo-ine
spiritual guru. All the better to reach his hand into
your wallet teach you stuff when he gets out -- that is,
if you're ready to be taught. When the mark
student is ready, the con man master will
appear. To date that post has 763 likes, 112 shares, and 118
comments. A woman who calls herself "Lena Lemurian" (I
sense that is not her real name) responded to Kev's message with
a magickal incantation:
I intend for Kevin Trudeau to be
released and I see him released within the year and so it is.
I'm not so sure those intentions and whatnot
are very effective. Remember that group mediation for Katie that took place about a
year ago? Not so effective in getting
him cleared of all charges, was it?
In response to the September 16 post a man wrote:
How do you go for days without food or
sleep and still feel good? What discipline! Your NATURAL
CURES books ,Your wish is my command and GIN Has greatly
improved my health and thinking . They have made me
signifantly [sic] more positive and improved my relationship with
my friends and family and made dream again. I thank you Kevin
from the bottom of my heart , you saved my life! I am glade
[sic] you are feeling good and getting gooder [sic] every day. You
are one of my greatest hero's. Love you!
Well, I too am glade for Kevin that he's
good and getting gooder. Speaking of Glade, they've come out with
their fall collection and holiday
scents, and even though that stuff is probably really bad for
you, I fall for the marketing every year. It makes Ron roll his
eyes, but it sure beats litter box odor.
But I digress. Katie also had this September 26 message for the troops:
Thank you for all your continued love
and support. Please know I am more than good here at Federal
Prison Camp Montgomery. I am the best I have ever been. And
getting better. My appeal has been filed. I should get the
decision sometime next year.
As my dear friend Sam points out, I am not attached to any
outcome, so I yield to the Universe and am allowing the
perfect manifestation of my personal goals/dreams/desires in
the WAY Source knows is best. My desires are not about
myself, they are about you, society, the planet, and the
universe. Peace, harmony, love, and all people feeling the
deepest contentment and appreciation for all experiences is
one of my visions. My desires are my desires. They are not
your desires. Mine are right for me alone. Yours are right
for you alone. All our choices, preferences,
desires/dreams/goals are always right for each of us. Do not
try to force YOUR desires, or your ways of living on others.
You will just live with frustration and never be truly at
peace/contentment or experience true inner total bliss. Many
wonder about my situation and make all kinds of assumptions.
Consider stop looking at others and judging, condemning,
assuming things, and criticizing their conditions and they
way they choose to go through this game we call life and the
situations/events they create. Wanting to make oneself right
and others wrong is a motivation that will keep you from
experiencing all your desires and feeling true bliss.
Know at the deepest levels, we create circumstances in life
(that in fact just games we create), to experience a full
range of emotions as well as conditions to allow us to
exercise our invisible power!
I have a request. IF you feel moved to do so, could some of
you send me pictures of Zurich, and of beautiful
things/scenes/mountains/etc for MY dream board! Guess what I
may want to look at each day and vibrate into physical
manifestation! Know all the well. I will be out and with you
as soon as is perfect! Much love
Well, Katie, I have some ideas for your vision
board. You say you want some pics of Zurich?
I grabbed that still from a vid on this page, Katie. I thought you
might appreciate revisiting that glorious day in Zurich when the
"ambush" journos from ABC caught up with you.
Or I could send you some screen shots of some of
the horrid things written by a little Teutonic twerp you
unleashed on the world through the Global
Information Network (GIN) -- not just the stuff about me
and about some of the other critical bloggers, but the
hate-filled, anti-Semitic rants as well. Since you have been
playing at being Jewish, Kevin (at least you mentioned to Judge Gettleman that you have
a rabbi), I'm thinking these rants
might not look so good on your vision board. But they are part of
what you helped to create.
For now, please accept the vision board, or dream board, that I made for you my own self, with the help of Google images. It's up there at the top of this post. I know that vision and dream boards are supposed to be about the future, but I think you need to ruminate on your present and recent past as well.
For the rest of you, here's something to consider: no matter how cynical one may be
about all of this, Katie's fans continue to look upon him as a
hero. Every one of those Facebook posts gets hundreds of likes
and at least dozens of comments. One woman, who apparently just
got back from the 2014 Global Information Network (GIN) Family
Reunion in Phoenix (more about that below), wrote:
FAMILY REUNION was Exceptional! You can
be proud of the "Magic 5" and all the "Maple
Syrup" who were there (ask someone who was) [One] man
birthed the dream (ThU KT), AND we would have proven the
Training untrue, if we hadn't Re-Birth bigger & stronger
than before. Mission Accomplished! Onward!
Nice to know that the GINtanic is sailing on
even without Katie at the helm, isn't it?
Another woman had this to say:
I'm living two hour away from Zurich
and I'm watching the mountains right now while listening to
your cd's. the world needs people like you Kevin... the
important is who you become, not what you have. .... time
goes on, get out of there, we have so many wonderfull [sic] things
to do ! don't wayste [sic] your time...
There are no two ways about it: Trudeau still
has a large and loyal fan base -- from all appearances a much
larger and more loyal base than that bitter little German gnome
who used to be his sidekick. And while the posts on Katie's
Facebook fan page are truly eye-rolling, other sources besides
Trudeau and his proxies and long-time loyalists say he really is
in good spirits at Camp Cupcake. (You'll read more about that
soon; I'll be sure to provide a link when it's available.)
I suppose it's possible that Kevin truly has accepted his
fate and is cool with it no matter what. But I'm thinking that
more likely he is just a really good actor, as many sociopaths
are, or he could be basing his seeming tranquility and optimism
largely on his belief that his appeal will actually be
successful. At this point I'm still thinking it won't be, but
we'll know in a few months, and we'll also see if he continues
the Facebook shtick if the appeals process fails him. And
speaking of the appeal (and the case that made the appeal
necessary in the first place)...
Camp may be fun, but
Katie wants out: the appeals process continues
It's been quite a while since I did an update here
about Trudeau's court cases; the last post was on July 22, 2014. I've been remiss on my Katie reporting duties for
sure. At any rate, the appeals process for his criminal contempt
conviction is still ongoing and there probably will not be a
decision until some time in 2015. I know you're probably thinking
the same thing I'm thinking: if he's so happy at Camp Cupcake,
why waste any more lawyer money trying to get out sooner? I guess
that's just one of those mysteries of the Universe that only
Kevin knows, and will be glad to share with you if you pay him or
his cronies.
So what's going on, court-wise? Let's take a look...
- Opening appeals brief and
supporting documents: On August 27, 2014, I
shared the initial appeals documents on the GIN Network
Truth page (a public forum) on Facebook -- here is that link. And here is a Scribd link,
for the benefit of those who cannot access the Facebook
- Criminal trial transcript:
I also finally downloaded some court transcripts,
although I will have to keep such activities to a minimum
because with actual transcripts, PACER apparently does
not place a 30-page cap on download fees as they do on
other court documents. At ten cents a page, it can get
pretty pricey. I was able to nab this transcript
of Trudeau's criminal trial, which took place in early
November 2013 in Judge Guzman's court. It's a big'un. Here is a Scribd link.
- Sentencing hearing transcript:
And here is a Scribd link to the transcript
from Trudeau's March 17, 2014 sentencing hearing.
One more thing: My PACER connection is having some glitches so I
haven't been able to download any court documents since late
August. As soon as I get those glitches straightened out I will
pop onto PACER again and check for any newer activity. Or you can
do it yourself if you are so inclined. Why should I get to have
all the fun?
GIN rolls on, tries to lure big
spenders back into the fold
Anybody who thinks that Katie's biggest scheme to
date -- GIN -- is dead, has
simply not been paying attention. Granted, it may be a shadow of
its former self, but it's still definitely hanging on, as
indicated by the pics from the big wingding that took place this
past weekend: the 2014 Family Reunion in Phoenix, Arizona. You
can see some of the festivities on one of the GIN Facebook pages.
Troy McClain, CEO of AXS Investment/Management etc.,
the group that bought GIN, hosted
the promo video. And the first thing I
noticed was that it was branding for AXS as much as it was for
GIN. No big surprise there.

And Jeff Devine's Hybrid Group was also very much involved,
judging from this little event blurb on etouches.
As noted on this blog previously, the new
owners of GIN reportedly consist of Troy McClain, Chris
"Voldemort" McGarahan, Blaine Athorn, Jeff Devine and
Greg Kramer.
In case you can't get to the GIN Facebook page I linked to above,
here are some highlights from the weekend:
Looks like fun, huh? And oh, goody, there's going to be a cruise in 2015. And, not to belabor a
point, but even without Kevin, and even though GIN membership is
way down, it still appears that the Family Reunion drew a far
larger crowd than the events put on by certain
GIN ripoff clubs. (Unless, that is, GIN hired a bunch of folks to make it look like a crowd, or used CGI like they do in the movies sometimes.) Just saying.
A reliable source let me know that Troy McClain
and Chris McGarahan have been making serious efforts to get Inner
Circle and upper level members back into the GIN fold; in other
words, they're trying to woo back the big spenders. As you may
recall, Inner Circle members paid either $50k or $75k for that
dubious privilege, with the promise that they would receive a
percentage of the GIN proceeds and other perks. Some of these
people's GIN "investments" were six figures (one former Inner Circle member and Founding Member insists GIN owes him a million dollars). When GIN
nearly collapsed due to Katie's legal troubles, those folks were
out all of that money, and reportedly many quit. Now Troy and Chris
are trying to woo them back, with the promise that GIN will make it a point to get them the moneys owed to them
Word is that some of these people asked
that their "initiation" and monthly fees be waived for
the appropriate amount of time in lieu of as much of the money
owed as was applicable and GIN said no. Now, it's possible that something in the court order forbade such an arrangement (after all, GIN is beholden to the receiver and the court for the first year under the new ownership), but whether or not that is the case, it sounds pretty sleazy to me.
Troy and Chris are also reportedly pandering to
the Christian demographic to get them to join or re-join GIN, and
some who know Chris find this disgusting, saying that he is about
as far from being a Christian as anyone they know.
At any rate GIN seems poised to grow, and may very possibly
restore the MLM program at some point, though it was discontinued last November (2013). They haven't removed mentions of it from their online
legal documents. For that matter, they haven't removed the statement that GIN is a
multi-level foundation based in Nevis.
Maybe they just need to finish updating their web site.
The moral of the story, once again, is that in Scamworld there are no neat and tidy endings. But I bet you knew I was going to say that.
That's it for now, but rest assured that I'll be back soon with
I so wanted to start the month of
September fresh and free of toxic debris, and I almost
made it. I love September, because rather than feeling like the
beginning of the end of something, it always feels to me like the beginning of something new and exciting, even though in my neck of the woods it's not
really fall-ish yet. We generally don't get the burst of sudden cool air in
early September that some places do, and we don't get the glorious fall colors that some of
you lucky folks in the high country are already experiencing... but
something changes, subtly, even here: there's a small excitement
that whispers of relief from the oppressive summer.
But I am sorry to say that I am beginning September with one more
(and I hope it's only one more) post about the stupidest
man in Scamworld: cancer quack and alt-health fraudster Leonard Coldwell, the lowlife of the Lowcountry, ex-b.f.f. of
another Whirled favorite snarget, Kevin Trudeau. Believe me, I
was totally ready to get back to Kevin, aka KT, aka Katie, since
I have quite a few tidbits for you, including nearly 900 pages of
trial and sentencing transcripts that I was finally able to get from
PACER. Actually they've been available for a while but I have
been busy. I also have updates on some of the Global Information
Network (GIN) ripoff clubs, as well as blogworthy stuff about
other scams and scammers.
And I am painfully aware that for the past six weeks I have spent
far too much time and space on Coldwell, including a five-part
deconstruction of his current and past lies and lunacies (links
to individual posts are below), as well as a lengthy piece on his
crowning lunatic achievement where I am concerned: his recent accusation that I poisoned his pit bull dog
Blue. So I thought I had things pretty
well covered and that I had finally said everything that needed
saying on this blog about that little skeev for the time being.
But darn it all... LoonyC keeps looming, casting his fat little
shadow over my Whirled.
In a surprise plot twist, Coldwell's dog dies.
In late August, despite previous reports that Blue was almost all
better, the poor dog died, according to Coldwell's garbled
laments on Facebook. Accordingly he has redoubled his attacks on
Bernie at GINtruth wrote about it here. Frankly, he said most of what needed to be said, and in
much more forceful and direct language than I use, but I want to
put in my two-cents' too, and elaborate on a few points.
Please understand that I am not making light of a dog's
death, assuming that the death actually occurred. (With Coldwell you can never be certain.) I have been through that heartache myself too many times to make light of it (here is but one example). My
dogs and cats are my children. But I hope you can understand why
it is immensely difficult for me to work up any sympathy
whatsoever for Coldwell at this point. I can't see past the evil
he continues to perpetrate against me, crassly and cynically
using whatever it was that happened to his dog in order to incite
people to commit violence against me.
I had honestly thought the dog situation was resolved, at least
on Lenny's end, to the point that I decided to stop fretting
about it and go quietly on about my business. I even gave up on
trying to get Facebook to take down the worst of Coldwell's
screeds accusing me of poisoning his dog. They had taken
down the first two after receiving complaints from other people
(I wasn't one of the complainers), but they refused to take down the third one, which was so bad that even
I complained about it. It was worse than the first two but they refused to remove it, saying it didn't "violate their community
standards" regarding potential threats of violence.
So although my full name and home address were and are all over
Facebook -- they appear on several of Coldwell's pages, and have
been shared numerous times, complete with Coldwell's invitations
to his lunatic fans to "get in touch with me"-- I had,
as noted, decided to let things slide for now, at least on this
Whirled. I did add a few updates in the couple of weeks after I
published my blog post about Coldwell's dog being poisoned. For instance, on July 26, 2014 I noted that on July
22, eight days after the dog poisoning saga began, Coldwell
published two noteworthy threads to his Facebook page:
- An announcement that Blue was almost fully recovered, thanks to love
and help from friends.
- A list, apparently taken from the ASPCA
site (though either drunk-typed, typed on a
malfunctioning keyboard, or (more likely) the results of bad OCR), of plants that are toxic to dogs, with the note
that he had learned about this list while trying to save
Blue's life. (The picture to
which I link is only the first panel of several, he
actually published a long list of poisonous plants.)
Oddly enough, it appears that none of Coldwell's
minions responded to the toxic plant list by asking him if
accidental toxic plant ingestion had been the real cause of
Blue's illness after all, rather than a deliberate poisoning by a
"revengeful Women in Texas." That's right: not one person asked the obvious question -- at least that I know of. Maybe
someone did, but perhaps Coldwell chose to wipe the comment -- and the
issue -- from his thread. That's certainly a possibility because
he is scared nutless of tough questions that will expose his
inconsistencies and lies.
Even so, it's difficult not to
read between the lines when you look at the comments that are
still on the thread. One of the first commenters asked if animals
would eat those poisonous plants on their own. Coldwell simply
answered, "Some do." So... maybe a certain pit bull,
left unsupervised, scarfed down a plant that he shouldn't have at
the Coldwell rented McMansion or apartment? (By the way, you'll need to click on the screen shots for an enlarged and undistorted view. I'm not sure why some of them came out distorted on the smaller views, but they're fine when you click on them.)
Notice that great cancer-curing advice from a guy
named Kai, who seems to be saying that it's okay to give your dogs apple seeds
and apricot kernels, which, claims Kai, are not poisonous to dogs and can cure
doggy cancer. Jeez.
Actually there had been another discussion among
the natural "cures" experts a few days before the
announcement that Blue was almost all better. There's a revealing
thread about the natural remedies with which Blue was presumably
being treated. It seems good ol' Blue had alt-health support from
all over the place.

In any case, I figured that the dog situation was
more or less over for the most part. People who watch out for me
reported no more ramblings about the dog on Coldwell's Facebook
page. As awful and unforgivable as Coldwell's accusations
against me were, I was relieved that the dog was okay, because as you know if you've been following this blog at all, I
dearly love dogs and know that they are all innocent beings, no
matter how monstrous their humans might be.
Then on or about August 30, 2014 the rants began again. This took
me totally by surprise. Since Coldwell has me so thoroughly
blocked on Facebook, I didn't see this when it first happened,
but some of my "eyes" let me know that Coldwell had
announced his dog had just died. And once again he went on a rampage against me, redoubling his attacks,
this time publishing not only my home address but also my private
cell phone number, which I have never
published nor shared publicly. In case you can't get to the
screen shot I linked to (it's from Bernie's post about the
matter), here is what Coldwell posted on Facebook on August 30, 2014:
My Heart has been broken today! They
murdered our believed [sic] dog BLUE! At 6pm EST Blue died!
This is the very last picture of Blue ever, hours before he
died! The pain is overwhelming my tears make it impossible to
see clearly. I hear myself crying with all my pain in my
inside to deal with the pain! FB will as usual take this post
off because Connie Schmidt has some kind of contacts to get
this done and websites will be taken down, blocked etc (Her
cell phone number is #-###-###-#### in case you want to ask
her yourself, if she was responsible. (All information is
Public information don't take my post down FB dirt!) Please
repost this post asap because it will be taken down. The
website for Justice for Blue with all the info videos and
facts and proof is in the making since 11am this morning.)
All info will be soon on my main website. Because they will
as usual delete my post. Please re-post it!
Today is one of the worst and painful days of my life and I
and many people believe we know who caused his death and
ordered directly or indirectly his murder! Blue was poisoned
directly after, Horny Connie, as many call her know [sic]
inquired about my physical living location. As I just heard:
She called my brother after that and stated that she will
hurt me hard and will never stop. She called employees and
friends of mine telling them it was just the beginning. And
all of this just because I did not want to have sex with this
disgusting women [sic]. She harassed me and my employees and
family members to make them to make me meet with her for a
sexual weekend. (Since all of this started we got countless
information about her alleged drug use -- jut look at her
picture and make up your own mind.) Witness Testimonies will
be provided...
The rest of the long rant contained some
tear-jerking prose about Blue's last day (and again, I'm not
making light of his death, if he really died, but you have to
understand the context here). Following that was a copy-and-paste
of the long screed he wrote on July 17, 2014, which contained my name and
home address, and that was shared on several of
his Facebook pages. That's the rant that I had tried to get Facebook
to remove and which they refused to remove because it conforms with their "community standards."
The picture of me that Lenny mentioned -- the one that allegedly
proves my drug use -- is my Blogger profile pic that you see on the upper left hand side of this
page if you're looking at the Web version of Whirled Musings. If you're looking at the mobile app the pic is somewhere down there at the end of the post. I wrote about that pic and what it means to me on my 8th Blogaversary post on July 27.
The "Horny Connie" nonsense refers to a painfully immature but thankfully dead-in-the-water defamation project that Coldwell or some of his twisted buddies initiated early in August; it has come to naught. For deets, see this post, under the bright red subhead, "Honk if you're horny."
As for the rest of the garbage in Coldwell's post -- the claims that I've posted under dozens of hundreds of fake names and have created fake web sites in order to smear him; the claims that I "found" two known child molesters and a "fake wannabe lawyer" to help me destroy him --
well, we've been through that already (see links at the end of
this post), and anyone with any cognitive abilities whatsoever
knows by now that it is just absolute bull.
I will say that the claim that I have
"contacts" at Facebook is bitterly funny, in light of Facebook's steadfast refusal to take down the very posts that endanger me. Not only has Facebook left the July 17 post up
there intact, but they've also left several subsequent rants in
which Coldwell shared my home address and spewed his disgusting
sexual fantasies about me. For instance, there's the semi-pornographic nonsense in the shot below, which I've shared before in part.
Notice that in
the conversation that follows that post, Coldwell claims that I was a
co-worker of one of his business partners, and he says that I have spoken
to Coldwell and his family and friends on the phone numerous
times over the years. Lies, lies, lies. Actually the claim that I am a former co-worker of one of Coldwell's business partners is a brand-new lie; I'd never heard it before. Being self-employed for decades, I haven't been anyone's
co-worker since long before Coldwell moved to the U.S., so I
seriously doubt that any of his "business partners" has
ever even met me, much less worked with me. And I have never
called any of Coldwell's numbers and have no intention of doing
Coldwell, surely you -- or your vigilant family,
friends, and employees -- would have recorded at least one of
those numerous "horny" communications from me, which
supposedly took place either over a period of three years, or
four months, or three months... depending upon your lie du
jour. Lacking that, surely someone from your top-notch legal
team would be on the ball and would have made the recordings. But
they couldn't because those phone calls never happened.
You have no evidence and no proof, because you are completely
making all of it up. Moreover, I've never heard a peep from any
one of your lawyers, so your claim that they have been
"dealing with me" for years is total hogwash (no
offense to hogs). And I can't wait to see all of those
"Witness Testimonies" about my "alleged drug
As stupid as that August 30 death announcement was, however, quite a few people shared it on their own Facebook timelines -- 24, at the last count [as of 15 September, 2014 ~CC]. There are 68 "likes," including Coldwell's b.f.f. bidness partner and my former frenemy Peter Wink, and Coldwell's first U.S. wife, Wendy Elayne Witchner, a fellow animal lover with whom I have tried to communicate privately to no avail. Wendy Elayne Witchner seems to "like" every scurrilous lie her ex-hubby has told about me, even though I have a very strong sense that she knows he is lying. Shame on you, Wendy. And shame on you, Peter Wink. You know better.
At any rate, the disturbing responses from Coldwell's most loyal and unthinking fans
resumed on Facebook. There had been dozens of similar responses to the first rash of accusations, and after the doggy death announcement the cretins just took up where they'd left off. One man named Michael Arnold wrote,
"I'm so sorry Dr. C... I hope some justice will be served...
like revenge very coldly." Another person going by the name
Ashley Alkalise-Energise Gilbert (I'm sure that was her birth
name; maybe her parents were batteries), wrote... well, let me
just share the screen shot of her post.

A lawyer friend of mine said that although it's profoundly stupid
for Coldwell to insinuate that I could poison a dog remotely, the
comments from some of Coldwell's imbecile followers made it clear
that it is possible to poison minds remotely.
Here are snippets from a private Facebook conversation with a person in Belgium whose mind has clearly been poisoned by Coldwell. He had
actually initiated the conversation on August 22, a little more than a week
before the dog's alleged death. Out of respect for the guy's
privacy I won't tell you that his name is Florian de Waele. Oops.
Conversation started August 22
4:33pm Florian De Waele
Dear zionist whore, I wonder how much is
big pharma paying you to destroy Dr Coldwell's business?
8:11pm Connie Schmidt
Dear Aryan idiot: Nobody pays me anything
to attempt to tell the truth. Oh, wait... this is a joke,
right? Ha, ha, good one!
7:44am Florian De Waele
The truth? Jewish lies! I prefer listening
to a true man of God instead of a filthy frustrated
prostitute. I'm warning you Connie Schmidt, you and your
neo-Zionist pharma sponsors might have started this fight but
Dr Coldwell will finish it!
10:12am Connie Schmidt
You are joking, right? If not, where do you
get the idea that I am Jewish or a Zionist? Not that there is
anything wrong with either -- and not that it is any of your
business -- but I am neither Jewish nor Zionist. Even
Coldwell has not lied that I am Jewish/Zionist -- well, not
that I know of anyway. He is such a sniveling coward that he
has blocked me from reading his social media rants, so no
telling what the little liar has said about me lately.
Coldwell HAS told many despicable lies
about me, though. He has lied that I am a prostitute (or
former prostitute), and he has lied that I have awful
diseases, and he has lied that I made sexual passes at him (a
big laugh because I am happily married and he disgusts me),
and he even lied that I poisoned his dog last month. And he
has lied that Big Pharma is paying me (or that anyone is
paying any other blogger who has written about him).
And he DID start this fight with me
when he made the choice to start telling filthy despicable
lies about me, simply because I raised legitimate questions
about him -- questions he is afraid to answer. He lied about
other bloggers too, falsely calling them child rapists (among
numerous other lies).
And he lied about all of us
"hacking" his web sites and radio show. Even his
webmaster and social media admin knows that those are all
lies but she dare not speak up against him, apparently for
fear of losing his business and/or his friendship.
Flo, you need to open your eyes and
stop parroting that ridiculous little man. Learn to think for
yourself. When you do, come back and apologize and I may
accept it.
[NOTE: Between the time of that comment and his
next response, the dog died. ~CC]
10:46pm Florian De Waele
Do you think you're fooling me with your
Jewish nose and surname? Go tell to the children being
murdered by your Zionist buddies there's nothing wrong with
Zionism. Now you've killed an innocent dog you perhaps can go
join those Israeli murderers https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=287058068169551
Dr. Colwell is fighting for YOUR rights
and YOUR health as well and what is your gratitude? Attacking
this brave man who follows the Lord with all his heart! Let
us ask the age-old question "Cui bono?" "Who
How on earth could Dr. C benefit from
making up lies about you? On the other hand you and your
pharma sponsors have immense profits to lose when Dr. C's
message becomes mainsteam [sic].
You probably mean the "Bernie
O'Mahony" guy? That guy IS a child rapist, there was a
picture to prove it on Coldwell's site. People should be made
aware he's dangerous. If big pharma has the resources to hire
you to murder his innocent dog it is not hard for me to
believe they're hacking his sites too.
Dr C. is a ridiculous little man? OK,
that's your opinion, let me give you a quote "Multiple
awards winning Radio host of Coast to Coast George Noory
stated in his new TV show with Dr. Coldwell: "I know and
have interviewed most experts worldwide, Dr Leonard Coldwell
is simply the best of the best!"
5:48am Connie Schmidt
You cannot even keep Coldwell's lies
straight, can you? He claims I killed his dog because I was
angry about his sexual rejection of me. He didn't say Big
Pharma hired me to kill the dog.
Granted, his original lie (which he
started telling in October 2012) was that Big Pharma hired me
to destroy his reputation by writing about him on my blog.
But when he couldn't get anyone except possibly the stupidest
of the stupid to believe that whopper, he switched to the
"woman scorned" lie.
In any case everything he has written
about me is a lie. It is your choice to continue to believe
those lies.
And everything Coldwell has written
about Bernie is a lie too. You obviously do not know that
originally Coldwell and Bernie were friends and allies.
Coldwell was at one time very supportive of Bernie's blog
GINtruth, back when Bernie was only writing about Kevin
Trudeau and GIN. Coldwell called Bernie "brother"
and said he loved him. Bernie in turn was supportive of
Coldwell and even had a link on GINtruth to Coldwell's main
web site.
Eventually Bernie came to realize that Coldwell had
been as much a part of Trudeau's huge scam as Trudeau was and
that Coldwell would have continued to happily push that scam,
knowing it was a scam, if Trudeau had not fired Coldwell.
Coldwell only became anti-Trudeau because he was angry that
he had lost an easy income source.
Bernie also found out some more
unsavory info about Coldwell (on his own -- not because of me
or Big Pharma or the Zionists), and he ultimately decided
that Coldwell was not someone he wanted to continue to
support. So he began writing critical information about him
on GINtruth. Coldwell started threatening Bernie and telling
him to choose sides or else Coldwell would sue/destroy him.
Bernie, in my opinion, chose the side of truth.
So contrary to what Coldwell has said
in different lies, Bernie is not someone that I
"found" to help me destroy "Dr" C, nor is
he someone recruited by Big Pharma.
I won't even address your stupid
statements that I support any murder of innocents, whether
done in the name of Zionism or patriotism, Islam or
Christianity. Clearly you will continue to believe whatever
you want to believe. You are one of those for whom "the
facts don't matter if the story is good."
7:01am Connie Schmidt
It occurs to me that I did not answer your
question, "Who benefits?" Coldwell is trying to
benefit from his lies about me because he is afraid of the
truths I tell about him. He is scared of the legitimate
questions I raise about him on my blog. Same deal with Bernie
and with all of the other people who have written critically
about Coldwell. Coldwell would obviously benefit if he could
silence all of his critics. Truth is a scary thing to people
such as he. Since he cannot silence us he is doing the next
best thing and using outrageous lies to appeal to idiots. And
clearly, some idiots are swallowing every piece of crap he
throws out to them.
I went on to tell Florian the truth about the
"child rapist" lies about Bernie, giving him links to Bernie's
GINtruth blog post about the matter, as
well as the direct link to Bernie's original Facebook post that he wrote just after
he was beaten up by the Japanese thugs who gave him that black
eye. I also sent Florian a few screen
shots of Coldwell's praise and thanks to Bernie back in the old
days, when Bernie was just writing about Kevin Trudeau and GIN on
GINtruth. I've yet to hear back from him.
The same day Loony announced his dog's death, an anonymous
commenter, apparently quoting from lyrics in Les Miserables, wrote to my blog.
It is possible that the Anon commenter was just being ironic,
perhaps making fun of the idiots who really are supporting
Coldwell's histrionics. But I don't know for sure. I'm erring on
the side of caution these days. So as always, I've recorded and
reported everything.
Over the next couple of days following the death announcement, Coldwell continued to
use his Facebook page as a wailing wall, milking that old sympathy cow
for all it was worth, portraying his dog as the embodiment of pure love and innocence, and me as evil personified.
But he wasn't finished yet.
Coldwell brings Mommy into the mix
I figured that with the dog dead, Coldwell's beloved mama had to
be next on the list of pawns in his deranged little game,
particularly since he had previously used Mommy to threaten me,
pretending to be his brother and using the totally fake name
"Rudi Kauder." I've shared that story and these screen
shots before, of course, but here they are again. This message
was sent on November 4, 2012. What spooked me when I first saw the threat (I didn't actually see it till January 2013) was Coldwell's threat to share my private information with his rabid fans. Ultimately he did make good
on that threat, of course, although not until more than a year and a half later.


For someone who "isn't a public figure," Mommy sure appears on public posts a lot, as well as in Coldwell's books. He parades her around in public like a prize-winning heifer. As you probably know if you've been following this blog (or him) at all, Coldwell's "health expert" shtick is based in large part on his tall tales of curing Mommy of liver cancer ("in a terminal state"), liver cirrhosis and hepatitis C 43 years ago (never mind that Hep C wasn't identified by medical science until 1989 -- a mere 25 years ago).
In any case I was of course correct in my prediction that Coldwell would bring Mommy into the mix in the wake of the dog "poisoning" saga. But I don't deserve too much credit for my prescience because he is
such a predictable little nutjob. In the shot below you'll see how he threw Momma into the narrative. Also notice that our favorite caps-lock terrorist, Haiah Victoria Kingsley, is back with her threats of violence against me.

In truth, I've never shared Mommy's current name anywhere, nor her address, so
chalk that up to just another one of Lenny's lies. I shared her
MAIDEN NAME once on my first blog post about Bernd/Lenny, which I
initially published in May 2012. I got
that name from a publicly available document concerning Coldwell's
legal name change, which took place in
Fauquier County, Virginia on June 25, 1998. But in a subsequent
post about the name change -- the one where I celebrated the Quinceanera
(fifteenth birthday party) of Lenny's new name -- I even redacted her maiden name.
As for her address, which presumably is
somewhere in Germany, I don't know it, don't want to, and
wouldn't share it if I had it. I don't think Mommy is totally
innocent -- after all, Lenny has publicly boasted online and in
interviews and in books that she manages his
"businesses" in Germany (which I can only imagine has
something to do with money-funneling) -- but nevertheless I do
think she is being used and perhaps to some extent duped by her
wicked son. And I always leave family members of scammers alone
unless there is a compelling reason to do otherwise.
So, Coldwell, show us some place where I published Mommy's name
and address. Show us some concrete proof or even credible
evidence that Mommy was "hurt" by anyone as a result of
anything I wrote, ever. You claimed in a recent rant that she was
"instantly" hurt after I published her name
and address. When and where did this happen? If it happened
immediately after I published her maiden name on May 31, 2012 --
which is the only time I ever published it -- why are you only
just now saying that she got hurt as a result of something I
published? Why didn't you start hollering about her
Cosmic-Connie-induced injuries more than two years ago?
For that matter, show us proof that I went online
and obtained your home address, which is the foundation of your
ridiculous lie that I poisoned your dog or that I was responsible
for poisoning him. As noted before on this blog, I have only ever
availed myself of free data that pops up when your name is
entered into a search engine. I have never paid for a search for
your address or your dodgy background. With the exception of
mentioning the street where your mailbox is (an address that you have
published on all of your web sites), I
have never published your address, not only because I don't know
it but because I simply don't do things like that -- unlike you,
who published my address and private phone number with the clear
intent not merely to discredit me -- something you've not been
able to do with your nearly two years of lying about me -- but to
incite violence against me. You are such a coward, Lenny. If one
of your stupid fans comes after me it will, I promise you, not
end well for them, and that will be on your shiny little head.
I suppose the next thing Coldwell will do is make up another
story about getting his car bombed (again) or about some other brand new threat to
his own life or property. He might even post a picture of a
bombed-out car, or even a pic of himself with a fake black eye to
make people feel sorry for him. He has often claimed that there have been numerous attempts on his life -- four, eleven or twelve, depending upon the conversation. He claims he has been shot at and hit, and that he has a bullet in his body. If all of that is true, it seems that Big Pharma sure is hiring some incompetent hit men.
Or maybe Coldwell is not through with using Mommy to incite fans' wrath against me. Perhaps she will get ill or take a fall, as older folks unfortunately often do. And of course he will blame me
and get the imbeciles all fired up yet again. You just never
Somebody knows what really happened to Coldwell's dog(s).
According to Lenny's lament on August 30, Blue was to be cremated
and his ashes scattered "in the country." There was no
mention that I could see of a necropsy (which is what they generally call an animal autopsy, for some reason) to confirm cause of death, so I suspect there is a
dearth of forensic evidence. Not that his idiot followers are
going to even question his story, though.
Nevertheless, many people besides me have questioned his
story all along. Some outside speculators have gone so far as to
suggest that the dog did not actually die or never was ill in the
first place and that Lenny made the whole thing up as an excuse
to get people to attack me. That seems like an awful lot of
trouble to go through, even for Lenny, and besides, Blue was
supposedly an attraction at some of his seminars, and I can't see
him giving up any edge he might have had, since his seminars have
had so little to recommend them ever since Kevin Trudeau divorced
him. Some folks even suggested at the very beginning of the dog
saga that Lenny or someone else close to Blue did something to
the dog to create the drama -- kind of a Munchhausen syndrome by proxy
thing. I think that is far-fetched, but then again, with
Coldwell, you never know. He is pretty much bat-sh-t crazy.
Some people thought it possible that Blue had some chronic or acute disease process going on, perhaps contributed to by owners
who fed him too much people food, or the wrong kind of people
food. (Oysters, for instance, really are not good for dogs in
excess. Raw oysters can give people hepatitis A, and it's
possible that dogs can get some form of hepatitis or other
serious illness from eating raw oysters too (though canine hepatitis is usually spread in other ways). Left untreated, hepatitis can eventually kill. Even
cooked oysters can have toxic algae that can make dogs sick. Just saying, in light of the fact that Coldwell has
shared this 2011 pic.)

It's even possible that all of those "natural
remedies" that Lenny claimed to be stuffing down the dog had
something to do with hastening his demise. Food grade hydrogen
peroxide, colloidal silver, benzonite clay, sodium thiosulfate,
and all kinds of homeopathic stuff... good Goddess!
I've even heard theories from some folks who have
looked at all of the still pics and videos Coldwell has shared of
the dog, and have suggested that there might be more than one dog
involved. In some pics the dog Lenny calls Blue has a lot more
white on his head and body than in other pics. A trick of the
light... or a trick of a lunatic who will stop at nothing to
silence a critic? Lenny has said that he has several pit bulls. One friend of mine said he either can't tell his dogs apart or he is being untruthful about what happened to one or more of those dogs... and my friend is banking on the latter. As farfetched as the "different dogs" theory may be, it's still not as farfetched as his lie that I had anything to do with harming any dog.
All I know is that there are lots of holes in Lenny's dog story, apart from the big lie that I had anything to do with whatever happened. And the longer you look the more holes you can see. It's like a
sky full of stars, except ugly.
In any case, assuming that the dog(s) really did get sick -- from
whatever cause -- I have no doubt that somebody, somewhere
outside of Lenny's tight little circle of insanity knows much
more about what really happened to Blue than has been told so
far. Whether it's somebody who worked on the dog(s) at the
Charleston or Mt. Pleasant area animal emergency clinic when he
first took ill around July 14, 2014, or someone who subsequently
tended him/them at his regular vet, or cared for him/them along the way or
even before the alleged poisoning... somebody knows
something and has some information that can help me.
Maybe it's one of Lenny's neighbors or a property manager or landlord, wherever in Mt. Pleasant or Charleston that he may be squatting at the moment. (As noted before, I don't know his address and don't want to, but there are
indications that he moves around a lot -- more than the
average person, even in our highly mobile society.)
Somebody knows what happened to that dog,
and I am not going to give up until I find out or until Coldwell
retracts his horrible accusations. And this isn't any sort of
invasion of Coldwell's privacy. As I said in my previous post
(under the sub-head, "Why I have spent so much time writing
about Leonard Coldwell"), he invited me to the party by
falsely accusing me of a specific crime and by sharing my private
information. He gave up his right to privacy where the
situation with his dog is concerned. And no matter how obsessive
it makes me appear, I am going to keep on this until I get to the
bottom of the mystery or until he retracts and apologizes. I
suspect you might do the same if you or someone you love were
similarly accused.
If you are reading this and you happen to
be someone who knows what really happened to Coldwell's dog, you
know he is lying about me and deliberately putting me in danger. You know that
it is wrong to just sit on this information. Sharing the
information with me is the right thing to do. If you work at one
of the vet clinics and are afraid you will lose your job, I
understand and I will keep you anonymous to the extent that it is
For the possible benefit of those who might be
familiar with some of the veterinary clinics in Charleston, here
are links to a couple of videos Coldwell posted on Facebook about
his dog's suffering. They reveal a little bit of the hospital
environment but I don't know if there's enough to make it
distinctly recognizable.
Below is a still photo of a dog that was
posted on Coldwell's Facebook page on July 19, 2014, five days
after the first rash of accusations and presumably 5 to 6 days
after Blue took ill. (Don't believe the claim that the post
was written by someone named "Katie" -- that is
Coldwell's writing style. And a friend of mine has had private convos with "Katie," who wrote a LOT like Coldwell and even referred to Coldwell in the first person.)
The point is that I need your help. Again, it's the right thing
to do. Allowing Coldwell to continue his lies about me will not bring his dog back and will only
be enabling a psychopath. I can't offer you a $10,000 reward like Coldwell did back on July 15 for
information linking me to the dog poisoning incident -- in fact I can't offer you any reward other than the
satisfaction of knowing you did the right thing. But please, help
me if you can. Or Coldwell could just save us all the trouble and
tell us where his dog was treated, and share the complete
veterinary records. But I don't see that happening.
As for the rest of you, I will try not to bore you any more than
absolutely necessary with any more Coldwell nonsense on this
blog. But count on this: I am not going to go away.
UPDATE, 17 January 2015:
Coldwell fanboy Florian De Waele, who hurled his
potshots from Belgium and whose toxic conversation I shared
above, may or may not be the author of this new blog, which purports to
"expose" me as a Big Pharma Whore and was launched
yesterday, 16 January. (Florian's
Facebook page seems to be missing in
action, though it's possible that he has simply blocked me...but
Yahoo's error handler indicates that it cannot be found. If it
were a mere blocking, then I would get a "content not
available" message from Facebook, not from Yahoo.) At any
rate, the blogger's arguments to the comments some of us have
made to his blog sound a lot like those that Florian made during
that August/September 2014 conversation, and besides, several of
the lame Photoshop efforts have the word Schermafbeelding
in the file name, which happens to be Dutch for
"screenshot." And Dutch is, of course, one of the
official languages of Belgium. Coincidence? Maybe. Surely I have
more than one hater, and possibly some of them speak Dutch, and
possibly some besides Florian just happen to be in the Central
European Time Zone reflected on this new blog. But maybe it is
Florian. Anyway, hurry and read the blog post and ensuing conversation while
it's still up there; it may not be long for this world.
The back story to this post
(complete with disturbing screen shots of comments from crazed
Lenny fans):
Leonard Coldwell goes too far: lies about me
poisoning his dog (originally
published 16 July, 2014, with several updates)
Deconstructing Lenny in five not-so-easy