Yes, the rumor reported here the other day is
true: James Arthur "Death" Ray is indeed going to be
the keynoter at the upcoming Global
Information Network (GIN) Family Reunion at Disney World October
16-18, 2015. That stellar event takes
place the week following the six-year anniversary of the infamous
Death Lodge in Sedona,
Arizona, which resulted in the deaths of three people: Kirby
Brown, James Shore and Liz Neuman. (Another follower of Ray's, Colleen
Conaway, had died at a San Diego Ray
event the previous July, but her death was covered up and didn't
really come out in the open until the sweat lodge story broke.)
If you have the stomach to do so, you can read all about Ray's
GIN debut in the September 2015 GIN Report,
which features Ray's mug on the front cover. Not his mug shot, of course
-- his post-prison, hot-on-the-comeback-trail mug.
The Ray "interview" is on pages 4 and
5. Here's how it starts out:
GIN Report: What
is one accomplishment that you consider the most significant
of your life/career?
JAR: Certainly I've been
fortunate to accomplish many things from being an Inc. 500
inductee 2009, a New York Times bestselling author, frequent
guest on Oprah, Larry King, The Today Show and more. I'm
grateful for all of them. But properly understood, these are
all the effects of the greatest accomplishment I believe I
have experienced in my life which is finding my unique gifts
and genius and clearly defining my purpose which has allowed
me to face great adversity and turn it into opportunity. Take
so-called failure and turn it into fuel.
And it just continues on the same note
throughout. Spoiler alert: Not one mention in the interview of
the killings and the cage time.
Though the news of Ray as a GIN keynoter is profoundly disgusting it is
not unexpected, since as I've noted more than once on this blog,
GIN founder, infomercial huckster and now-imprisoned serial
scammer Kevin Trudeau (aka KT, aka
Katie) and James Ray have been publicly stroking each other off
for years. Trudeau publicly defended Ray a few years ago, and Ray returned the favor by pushing GIN while he was in prison.
In case someone wants to point out to me that Trudeau is no
longer at the helm of GIN, let me first say that it's obvious you
haven't been on this blog very much. If you had, you would know
that I'm very well aware that GIN was sold last year to a group of investors who just happen to be long-time buddies and business
partners -- and are still fans and defenders -- of Trudeau. You
might even call them proxies, and you might not be wrong. And
Katie's famous line, "Who do you listen to?" is still
being pushed by GIN CEO Troy McClain, aka "T-Mac" (I am
not making this nickname up).

Apparently one of the people Troy and friends want you
to listen to is Death Ray.
And that in a nutshell is what makes Scamworld so insidious. As
Salty Droid wrote in a 2012 post (and yes, I've quoted this before,
but here it is again):
GIN doesn’t exist :: it’s the
lipstick on the pig … after you wash it off with a hose
that whore pig is going to tart right back up. It’s the
pigs involved that need to be stopped if anything is going to
be stopped … not the shell corporate entities organized in
the name of young Ukrainian wives...
You nailed it (as usual), Jason.
Meanwhile, the GIN MLM is back in place, as I'd mentioned a
couple of times over the past year or so. I hadn't visited the page with the details in a
while but did the other day. They never really took the
references to the program off of their "legal
disclosures" page, and the "referral bonus"
program has been in place for some time now. But they've expanded
it and announced the revamped program at the Dream Weekend in
June 2015.
If you have 30-plus minutes to waste hearing very long-term Katie buddy and
GIN co-owner Blaine Athorn bloviate about "sharing"
GIN, by all means watch the video on this page.
Drinking game: Every time Blaine mentions your "fellow human
beings on Planet Earth"... toss one back for me.
The dollar amounts are still smaller than they were back in GIN's
heyday with Katie, of course, and the promises have been tamped
down a bit (at one point Blaine Athorn mentions in passing that
the GIN referral program is not a get-rich-quick scheme, but it can
make you wealthier). And the "cash money" rewards are
relatively modest, with most of the "rewards" being GIN
Bogus Dollars. Oops, I mean GIN BONUS dollars.
But clearly, the hustle is still on.
And clearly, there are still no neat and tidy
endings in Scamworld. The big sick machine just goes on, and on,
and on.
Update 8 September 2015:
I just found out about this live Death Ray event coming up on Friday, September
11 in Phoenix.
Ray is hosting "a night of
solutions" where he will "sit down, no pitch, no
script...armed only with his intellect, his vast experience
and the wisdom" to mentor and "reveal to you the
answers to the things that are holding you back," according to his website.
I'd actually gone to Ray's site a couple of
times over the past week to see if there was any mention of his
keynote appearance at the GIN event, but I overlooked this one.
The copy on the site is pretty disgusting, especially when you
consider how pricey the former incarnation of his "World
Wealth" shtick was. (You can read about that here, and much more about it
in Connie Joy's book, Tragedy in Sedona. It
floors me that he is starting this scam up again.) Meanwhile,
there's this this:
You Asked, James Is Answering!
the launch of The World Wealth Summit just Around the Corner…
With the Cancellation of a LIVE Event… [apparently it
was "Life Unleashed Live" ~CLS]
With a Recent Gallup Poll Showing 71% of people surveyed are
bored, unhappy and disengaged…
You Need a Night of
from James Arthur Ray!
If you had tickets to Life Unleashed LIVE –
Guests without tickets, it’s a steal, so BRING YOUR BEST
and get your seat for ONLY $197!
This may NEVER happen again…
An Entire Evening of Q & A with James Arthur Ray!
There's no
specific indication of where the event will be, beyond the fact
that it will be in Phoenix, Arizona, from 6:00-9:00 PM. But the
first (and most expensive) hotel
listed in conjunction with the event is
the Pointe Hilton Tapatio Cliffs Resort (from $150 a night). So
it's possible the event itself will be there.
Tom McFeeley, cousin of Death Lodge victim Kirby Brown, told
ABC-15 News (KNXV-TV Phoenix) that he found out about the event
via email. He is on Ray's list so he can keep tabs on him.
McFeeley said that for Ray "To go to Arizona particularly is
really thumbing your nose at the community, at the state, at the
good people in that area. So it's all disgusting."
But this isn't the first time Ray has been back to
Arizona for an event since his release from prison in 2013. He
held an event in Phoenix earlier this year. I guess he just loves Arizona.
McFeeley -- and the reporters working on the story -- did take
this opportunity to once again publicize the non-profit started
by the Brown family, Seek Safely, whose purpose is
to educate people about how to safely participate in the
self-help industry. So I too will take that opportunity again,
and will also note once again that none of the industry giants invited to sign the Seek Safely Promise has
signed. Here are the people who have signed -- good folks, I'm sure, but not the most prominent in
the industry.
It's really all about choosing one's teachers wisely, and anyone
who chooses James Arthur Ray as a teacher is not making a wise
choice at all. Wake up, people. Please.
Update, February 2016
It occurred to me that I never
did a followup regarding Ray's GIN Family Ruin presentation and
how it was received and reported by GIN. Well, here you go (as
usual, click on pics to enlarge):
screen grabs are from the November 2015 GIN Report. You can avail
yourself of the entire issue by clicking here. Not only
will you get the scoop on Death Ray's inspiring talk, including the parts that really
resonated with the GINtendees, but you'll also get a special
letter from a very bloated-looking Troy McClain, who reminds us
that November is a special time to cherish the "blessing of
Family." He did not mention the possibility that for the
Brown, Shore, Neuman and Conaway families, Thanksgiving and all
holidays are especially painful.