Yes, Dear Ones, today (besides being the kick-off for the summer gathering of the Training Liars Club... I mean Transformational Leadership Council... in Tucson, Arizona) is Whirled Musings' fifth blogaversary.
A whole half-decade is a long time in blog years. What began as a lark and grew to a snark has lasted longer than I ever thought it would back when I wrote that ever-so-brief initial blog post on July 27, 2006. The next day I wrote a slightly longer post, presenting a brief story of how I became so totally not-Cosmic... and then it just grew from there. (Note that some of the links on that second post are to my old Cosmic Relief site, which by the grace of SWBell.net has finally been relegated to Web Purgatory. Naturally, I have saved all the files, and the site will be reborn, though probably not immediately redesigned, under my own domain name as soon as I can get some time to do it.)
People ask me all the time why I continue to blog about the stuff I blog about when I could be spending my time on more "productive" pursuits. Some express grave concern that I am wasting my incredible talents. Others point out that I am just giving my snargets (snark targets) more "power" and certainly more publicity, and after all, according to the Hustledork Playbook, there's no such thing as bad publicity.
Curiously, I've noticed that almost all of the people who ask me why I blog, or who spill crock-odile tears for my tragically squandered gifts, or who claim that I am only empowering my snargets, are those who apparently have financial and/or emotional ties to the people and/or ideas I snark about. It's amazing that they can be so open-minded and caring. I guess they really are as full of Love and Light as they often claim to be, even those who occasionally send me obscenity-laden comments and death threats.
Anyway, I want to extend a great big thank you, especially to those of you who do understand why I blog, but also to those who pretend not to. I deeply appreciate your participation on my wacky Whirled.
And if you're sentimental...
5th Anniversary Gifts
Traditional: Wood (stop snickering, Ron.)
Modern: Silverware (I already got some.)
Blogospherian: Donations in U$D (a little old-fashioned, but always appreciated. Here's a little poem to inspire you.)
Congratulations and keep up the good work, Connie!
Thanks, Jonathan!
I love your blog Connie. Keep it up. When my computer was broken and I was saving up the money for a new one I missed your blog most of all.
Congratulations Connie! I discovered your blog about a two years ago and it's really been a big help in my deprogramming process. :)
Thank you, Candy. I really appreciate it!
Thanks, theoreticalgrrrl, I'm glad to have been a help in the deprogramming process. :-)
Congrats CC you picked a really great day to start. On my birthday! I'm a closet addict to your snarkland and all your fellow snarkanators. Keep up the good work. I'm placing my money on you having the last word vs Abe lol
Well, Happy BD (belated) to you too, Anon! Thanks for your support. I may not have the last word re Abe, but I bet it will be one of the snarkiest words. :-)
In your whirled Connie, every day is a celebration. Maybe not for the hustledorks, but they get what they deserve - at least here. Happy 5th, and many more to you of course - long live the snark!
And Ron's not the only one giggling at the potential wood gifts...but I will mind my manners for a change. It is a holiday observance after all.
Oh, shucks, don't mind yer manners on my account, Marty. It's a party, after all. Thanks for your continuing support.
Congratulations Connie. Finding your blog was one of those fortunate moments in my internet browsing history. Reading how you articulate your thoughts on the new-age world and the like, allowed me to speak out more about similar topics in my own circles and no longer bite my tongue. It has been very freeing.
So thank you for that.
You're very welcome, TBeast, and thank YOU for your support!
I've noticed your writing to get more and more serious over the years, with a very thorough style, and always with a characteristic humour.
You know, many women are dull copies of something found in a glossy magazine, but some are full of character - lively, creative, mentally dextrous, going against life's dull grain with verve and confidence, forging their own path!
OK, bleurgh, but, still...
Thanks much, HHH. But oh, Good Goddess, if I get *too* serious, I hope someone lets me know!
Well it's a very good poem Connie, but I'm skint.
If you want money, you are just going to have to make a proper, saleable, product.
You are a protestor for truth and justice, and self amusement - that's the path of sainthood not money, but even Gandhi wrote books.
'Course I know that, HHH. Products coming someday, maybe. Meanwhile, I sell my writing services.
Well, as the other ball drops off the world economy gurus are going to have to squeeze their sheep harder.
This will make them drop out of their cults, which will give them thinking space about what they have been doing, which will make them more amenable to new wage comedy snarkings.
Or the stress may make folk flock to irrational saviours.
I'll maybe have a look at the Mind, Body, Spirit sales figures, which I believe are always the best sellers because I wonder what effect economic stress has.
Looking at the news I think the following titles may be unit shifters;
Help Yourself: The 7 Golden Rules of the Effective Looter.
Zen in the Art of Brick Throwing.
Beat Depression, Beat a Rioter.
Burning Hearts, Burning Souls, Burning Cop Cars.
The Territorial Support Group Diet.
You Can Heal Your Broken Helmet.
Happy birthday!!
I appreciate you having the courage to do what you do and the sense of humour to make it interesting....
These scammers are exploiting legitimate (psychological, economic) suffering and desperation to sell quick fixes and false hope and deliberately not actually solve anyone's problem, then making them feel like the fact they can't achieve promised success is due to their own shortcoming....
...and I wish I could prevent all these people being fiscally, emotionally and/or physically harmed but it seems the best way to do that is with INFORMATION so keep at it! :)
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