At some point soon I really will blog again
about something besides COVID-19 and the various
hucksters, scam artists, and cynics (inside and outside of
politix) who continue to push wacko conspiracy
narratives about, and dubious or dangerous "cures" for,
the coronavirus plague sweeping the planet. But for now, let's pop in and see what imprisoned
serial scammer Kevin Trudeau, aka KT, aka
Katie on this Whirled, is up to regarding the virus saga.
Or, more accurately, let's look at what his water carriers are up
to, since it seems that rumors of his impending freedom
have once again been exaggerated, and that continued lockdowns at
Camp Cupcake are apparently restricting his ability to provide valuable COVID-19 upchucks... I mean, updates. To date, there have been 13
of these "updates," which are
essentially overcooked sales letters for the Trudeau-founded GIN (Global Information
Network), mixed well with stale whines about Katie being
"censored," and well-seasoned with recaps of
conspiranoid and right-wing talking points.
But what Katie can't do for himself, his enablers
continue to do for him. On May 12, 2020, the admins of
the Official Kevin Trudeau Fan Club page on Facebook posted this
endorsement of the
conspiracy-porn "documentary," Plandemic:
viewed this, as he can not view any internet content from
prison, but we have reviewed it. We have no documentation or
substantiation about the facts being true in this video, but
it does resonate with us. We suggest you view it, as it is in
agreement with what Kevin has been saying in his books,
"Natural Cures They Don't Want You to Know About",
"More Natural Cures Revealed" and "The Weight
Loss Cure They Don't Want You to Know About". It also is
in agreement with what Kevin has said in his Covid-19
updates.The mainstream media and all social media are
censoring this video. It is banned from YouTube. It is banned
from Facebook. They don’t want you to see this. Many people
are downloading it and sharing it, so that it remains
available to the public. After you watch it, you might want
to do the same.Currently, it is still available at the
Watch it now, while you still can...
By the way, I just now followed the link that was
embedded in the Facebook post. Apparently some wag co-opted the
URL after the movie was (once again) taken down. [Update on
May 21: The content I referenced has now been removed as well,
but never fear; I copied and pasted the content and took a screen
shot; see the end of this post. ~ CC] At any rate, although
I hadn't participated very much on Katie's Facebook fan page in a
while, I felt moved to respond to this particular post. I wrote:
Connie Schmidt I imagine Kevin would indeed like
"Plandemic," since he apparently never met a
conspiracy theory he didn't like. Conspiracy theories and
forbidden knowledge form the foundation of his marketing
strategies. I don't know how long this comment will be
allowed to stay, but I am taking the liberty of sharing an
article that offers some perspective on the virologist, Judy
Mikovits, whose work is at the heart of
"Plandemic." BTW, there's nothing
"healing" about the beach when the water is full of
flesh-eating bacteria, as has been the case numerous times
over the years in some US waters (e.g., the Gulf coast of
Texas). The proliferation of these bacteria is apparently a
direct result of global warming (climate change), but if I'm
not mistaken, Kevin doesn't believe in that either.
This is the link I shared
following my comment on the Katie fan page. It's a basic
fact-checking piece that does indeed give some salient
perspective about virologist Mikovits, and that I thought might
be useful for those who are willing to entertain something
besides the conspiracy narrative du jour. (One point the
article addresses is Mikovits's questioning why public beaches
should be closed, with her question framed around her claim that
the beach is a healing place because of "sequences" in
the sand and "healing microbes in the ocean in the salt
water." That's why I mentioned the flesh-eating bacteria that have increasingly been
popping up in salt water, and the
probability that climate change is only making the threat worse.)
But my comment, link and all, now seems to be disappeared. I can
only speculate that this is because the admins either thought
that Kevin wouldn't like it, or that it might possibly shake the
faith of the faithful, or both.
The admins of the page did, however, leave another comment of
mine up there, though it's possible, since it was a reply that's
nested under someone else's comment, that they just haven't seen
it yet. My comment was in response to one by a long-time fan of
Katie's, David Krueger, whom you may have met briefly on this blog back in 2012. Back in the day, David was thrilled right down to his
toes to be on the same plane as Kevin Trudeau. More recently, he
wrote this about the conspiracy vid Plandemic:
David Krueger Facebook and YouTube themselves have confirmed
the truth of it for us with their censorship campaign.
To which I replied:
Connie Schmidt Facebook and YouTube are privately owned
companies and they have a right to decide which content they
want or do not want to host. But Facebook also allows pages
like this one that push Kevin Trudeau's
"information," so there's not really too much cause
to complain, is there? BTW, many of my own comments have been
removed from this page, presumably because Kevin would not
like them. But I'm cool with that because the site admins
have a right to remove anything they want to remove. However,
using the same logic you used, it could be said that my
offending posts have been removed because they were too
And I am actually cool with having my
comments removed from a Facebook forum; it is the admins' right
to determine, at least up to a certain point, what goes on their
page and what doesn't -- the point at which their rights end
being when Facebook gatekeepers determine that content violates
Facebook's terms of service or "community standards" or
what have you. But as I noted in my response to David Krueger, it
is, after all, Facebook that is allowing those admins to
push Kevin Trudeau's propaganda, despite all insinuations about
Facebook and YouTube being involved in sinister censorship
GIN is still doing a lot of the heavy
lifting for Trudeau as well
Meanwhile, in neighboring parts of Scamworld, some of Katie's
other cronies continue to enable and promote him in various ways.
For instance, on May 15, 2020, current GIN
co-owner Tom Morter, aka "Dr. Tom" -- one of the "GIN fat cats" I
wrote about earlier this year -- spent quite a few minutes on his
weekly "GIN update" telling folks how they can send
money to Kevin in the clink and to the lawyers who failed to keep
him from going to the clink. According to "Dr. Tom,"
money sent to the KT Legal Defense Fund goes directly to Winston
and Strawn, one of the main law firms behind Katie's failed
attempts to stay out of prison. But then again, Kevin himself wrote, in a
letter to Judge Robert Gettleman in January of this year, that
his lawyers are no longer even speaking to him, so who knows
what's really going on? Maybe the plan is to get the gullibles to
send enough money to the lawyers so that they'll start speaking
to Katie again, and will resume their futile efforts to get him
As I've also 'splained on this blog, there is a cozy symbiotic
relationship between Kevin and the Morter bros and the other GIN
co-owner, Blaine Athorn -- at least for now. But they probably
need Katie more than he needs them, which is why they've been
pushing so hard on various online forums for people to join GIN
and pay up in order to possibly get a chance to see Katie in person
some time in 2022 (maybe).
Watching "Dr. Tom's" tiresome performance on the latest
GIN update reminded me once again that no matter how jovial and
enthusiastic he or his brother Ted or their fellow co-owner
Blaine Athorn are, it's a pretty safe bet that they will never
come within spitting distance of inspiring the abject worship
accorded to Kevin Trudeau, or "GuruKev" as he has fairly recently begun
branding himself (with a little help
from the above-mentioned water carriers).
I think it's also a pretty safe bet that Kevin is very well aware
of that hero worship, and that he gleefully exploits it,
sometimes employing false modesty, which seems to make the
faithful love him even more. On April 15, 2020, there appeared on
the KT fan page this somewhat puzzling post about the death of Nelson
Mandela (who had actually passed away
in 2013):
Nelson Mandela passed away… One of my heroes.
He was convicted of being a TERRORIST!
And spent 20 years in a jail cell!
A hero. A person I admired and respected. If I had only 1% of
his character.
I mention to you many of my heroes....such as Jesus, Gandhi,
Chavez etc. All people that were convicted of crimes in court
and were sentenced to prison time.
I am not even in their league.
They are my heroes. They give me strength. Always look at
people who walk the walk, not just talk the talk. And gain
strength from what they had to go through. You will be
inspired by those who went through much more than you or I
have ever endured.
I look at my life and current situation and see that I have
it so easy compared to others who went before me. You can
always put things in perspective. Focus on the good things
and what you want…and be happy right now!
I am!
Much love!
My blogging colleague Bernie at
GINtruth and I are well aware of
Kevin's history of comparing himself, sometimes implicitly and
sometimes explicitly, to Mandela and Gandhi and Christ and
others. We made quite a few comments about that topic on this
thread, but the faithful insisted that Katie was definitely not
comparing himself to these heroes of history. "Kevin even
clarified it on the post," said one fan who had clearly been
fooled by Kevin's faux-humility. Another fan wrote,
"No point to argue and waste time, people. Because Kevin IS
very similar to Mandela, Gandhi, and Jesus."
Oh, dear.
In any case, both Bernie's and my comments were subsequently
wiped away, leaving only the worship.
But Kevin is still his own best
While the Facebook admins and the GIN owners are diligently
propping Kevin up and polishing his brand, he still remains his
own most effective shill. Also on April 15, Kevin's 12th COVID-19 "Update" appeared on the Facebook fan page. In this post he
doubled down on his claims that he and he alone has access to the
real info about the coronavirus, "unlike the mainstream
media." And once again he played on his GuruKev persona.
You may have noticed that all the
predictions I have made in those updates and other
communications have come true or are in the process of coming
true. All I have stated has proven to be correct and true
(unlike the mainstream media).
I have gotten thousands of communications from people all
over the world who have been so amazed by the uncanny
accuracy of my predictions about this "pandemic".
Many are asking if I am some sort of "mystic" or
"psychic" or have powers to see the future. Many
ask if I am "channeling" some "higher
entities" or "ascended masters" or
"tapping into the Ether, Universal Field, Akashic
Records or Universal Consciousness".
Others ask if my former membership in certain
"societies" still gives me access to people that
have direct first-hand knowledge of what really goes on in
the power circles around the world, and things that are
hidden "behind the curtain".
People ask me if certain current "insiders"
actually "leak" secret information to me so that I
can disseminate it.
The answers to the above questions are two fold.
1.) First, I do have first-hand insiders as some of my
"sources". I have mentioned in previous updates who
some of my "sources" are, and that I almost always
use exclusively "first-hand" sources.
A first-hand source is the person who actually said the thing
or did the thing. If I do not have a first-hand source, I
always use a person who was actually there and witnessed the
thing being done with their own eyes or heard a thing said
with their own ears.
I still must have at least 2 other independent sources before
I will report something. Second and third-hand sources are
only used to verify, document and substantiate something. I
authenticate everything before reporting it. I do not spread
"rumors" or speculation or theories.
2.) Next, I do also "tap or plug into the Field".
Some call this channeling.
You may hear of someone who channels "entities" or
"frequencies" such as Esther Hicks who channels the
group of entities called "Abraham", or Paul Selig
who channels a different frequency thus a different group of
"non-physical entities". But I do not tap into a
specific frequency or group of entities. Rather I tap into
the "entire Field" all at once. This "one
Field" is the "one SELF".
One of my closest friends is an Enlightened Perfected Being,
a "Guru", and is called a "Saint". We
were talking about this as we both do the same thing when it
comes to "plugging into the Ether". We discussed
that the highest "frequency" is the ONE SELF. All
frequencies are contained in the ONE SELF. Thus, when we
"channel", we channel "our SELVES". We
are not on a "lower frequency" or a "single
band" of frequency. We are getting all frequencies ALL
simultaneously. Therefore, I channel my "SELF".
This is important to understand. When someone
"channels" a particular frequency, it is like
getting a report from a person who is up on a mountainside.
They have a much better view than you because they are higher
up the mountain. They see more.
But a person high on one side of the mountain can only see
the view from that side. Another person higher up on the same
side will have a slightly different report, as they can see
more and have a more complete view. Yet another person on the
other side of the same mountain might have a very different
report, because they are looking in a different direction.
This is why authentic "channellers" sometimes
deliver different or conflicting messages from each other.
But the person on the very top of the mountain or in a
helicopter hovering over the mountain has ALL views, of ALL
sides and a COMPLETE and TOTAL perspective. They can see that
all the "channelers" are giving accurate
information from their limited perspective, but do not see
the "Big Picture". They do not have a totally
integrated view of EVERYTHING at the same time.
This total, all-encompassing "knowing" is the ONE
SELF. This is what I "channel". I channel my SELF,
not someone or something else.
So with both of these "Sources", 1 and 2 above, you
can now see why the data being reported here and in the other
trainings I have produced are so accurate.
"I channel my SELF?" Sounds a lot
like #NotMyPresident Donald John Trump's past claims that his chief consultant on foreign policy
and other matters was "myself, because I have a very good brain, and I've
said a lot of things."
Next Kevin uses his own very good brain to spew some of the
same "facts" about the COVID-19 pandemic that we've
seen in his previous missives, and then, predictably, he segues into
(yet another) sales pitch for GIN.
As I predicted, the worldwide numbers
for this "created" horrific, global pandemic are a
big nothing burger.
And the numbers for the USA are worse than other countries
for the reasons I outlined previously, but still a big
nothing burger.
Compare the number of "deaths" caused by this virus
to the number of deaths caused by other health issues and
viruses, and you will see that the media and governments
around the world have misrepresented the facts and totally
mislead [sic] everyone.
To get the real death numbers of other viruses and health
issues to compare and see for yourself, go to these websites:
World Life Expectancy Website
World Health Organization (WHO) Global Health Data Repository
Centers for Disease Control (CDC) FastStats (USA Data)
Our World In Data - Causes of Death
And of course, to get the “official” data on Covid-19
deaths, all you have to do is search online for “Covid-19
You can also see that several countries such as Mexico,
Brazil and others did not do ANY social distancing and did
NOT shut down their countries. They stayed "business as
usual". Their countries operated completely normally
without changing anything. They did not buy into the big lie.
What happened? NOTHING! No "mass deaths" as the
"experts" predicted. The funeral homes and morgues
were NOT filled with dead people from Covid-19. Hospitals
were NOT filled. Everything was exactly the same as it always
is. Every day people die from a variety of things. Nothing
changed. NO spike in deaths.
Covid-19 was nothing more than a “bad-flu-year” in those
countries, and in most areas, Covid-19 was not even as bad as
a normal flu. This shows that all the mass hysteria about
"if we don't shut everything down, millions will
die" was simply a BIG LIE. IT DID NOT HAPPEN in those
countries that did not shut anything down and everyone went
on living their lives as normal.
As I stated previously in other updates, I am being severely
restricted now. My "voice" and Free Speech
expression is being suppressed once again. I cannot say
certain things on this public forum. This is one of the
reasons why a "private club" is so vital and
important now and in the future.Only through a private club,
like GIN, will people be able to share information without
censorship or fear of retaliation from powerful
organizations, internet monopolies, and government. That is
why the Global Information Network (GIN) is so important, and
why it has "Information" in its name....
There are several problems with the above
statements. A major problem is that one of the countries Trudeau
specifically mentioned as having "stayed 'business as
usual,'" Brazil, has, in fact, become not just the Latin American
but also the global epicenter of COVID-19 -- while its fascist "leader" (and Trump
bromantic partner) Jair Bolsonaro has continually played down the
threat, joking about the "neurosis" of Brazilians who
are actually worried about the virus. From Time, May 9, 2020:
Even by the standards of other
right-wing populists who have sought to downplay the COVID-19 pandemic, Bolsonaro’s defiance of reality was
shocking. From the favelas of densely packed cities like Rio
de Janeiro to the remote indigenous communities of the Amazon rain forest,
Brazil has emerged as the new global epicenter of the
pandemic, with the world’s highest rate of transmission and
a health system now teetering on the brink of collapse.
Unlike the previous global hot spots – Italy, Spain and the U.S. –
Brazil is an emerging economy, with a weaker social safety
net that makes it harder for local authorities to persuade
people to stay home, and an underfunded health care system.
When a particularly severe outbreak struck the city of
Manaus, in the Amazon, in late April, hospitals were quickly
overrun, leading to a shortage of coffins. On May 17, the
mayor of São Paulo, Latin America’s largest city, warned
that hospitals there would collapse within two weeks if the
infection rate continued to rise. The country has confirmed
almost 18,000 deaths as of May 19, with a record 1,179 people
dying in the preceding 24 hours–the world’s second
highest daily fatality rate. Epidemiologists say the peak is
still weeks away.
And another country Trudeau mentioned, Mexico, is now among the top 10 countries for COVID-19 deaths.
On May 13, 2020, The Guardian reported that both Brazil and Mexico recorded their deadliest days
from COVID-19.
And on May 19, the LA Times reported that
COVID-19 is rapidly spreading past the hot spots of
Brazil and Mexico, and threatening to overwhelm other Latin
American countries. Chile and Peru and
Ecuador are not doing well at all.
Even though the articles I linked to above were published weeks
after Trudeau's "Update #12," at the time he posted it
there had already been numerous published reports that things
were not looking good in Brazil and Mexico. The point is
that Kevin's "secret sources" and
"self-channeling" and other exclusive tools have failed him and his readers.
But Kevin's fans aren't big on fact-checking his
screeds, so it's not surprising that this one was met with the
usual round of enthusiastic support. (I posted a comment that
pointed out the inaccuracy of his statements about Brazil and
Mexico, but it was wiped away.) Among numerous worshipful responses to Kevin's Update # 12 was this:
You are One And ONLY KING on this
planet Earth !!!
Thank You Thank You Thank You ... For Everything You Are
Givinig [sic] to us !!!!!!!
Thank You Thank You Thank You !!!!
Eat your hearts out, Morters and Athorn!
But seriously. If Katie's spiritual shtick, with its attendant
responses, some of which are truly disturbing, isn't an example
of "toxic spirituality"
(to evoke the beat and book title of guru/cult scambuster Be Scofield), I don't know what is. (And this of course assumes that the worshipful
comments are in fact sincere and aren't just a moderately clever
form of trolling.) Kevin Trudeau may not be a sex
predator like some of the "gurus" Scofield writes
about, but for much of his career he has been a financial
predator, as well as a conduit of other forms of exploitation
that, for some followers, may be as harmful as sexual abuse.
Plandemic is a crock
of shite
And bringing it back to the conspiracy-porn vid that kicked off
this post, regardless of whether he ever sees or endorses Plandemic,
I don't think one can go wrong by betting on Kevin Trudeau
continuing to embrace and exploit conspiracy narratives and
forbidden-info themes, no matter how wildly wrong, all in the
service of lining his own pockets. People love that stuff because
it's exciting and it makes them feel really special to be privy
to information that "they" won't tell you -- and Kevin
knows it.
But I'm thinking that all you really need to know
about Plandemic can currently could,
for a few days, be found on the link embedded in that May 12 post on the KT Facebook
fan page. Just below the graphic is the
actual text, in the event that you can't read it on the pic
(Blogger seems to have forcibly scaled it down to the point of
unreadability, and try as I might, I couldn't fix the problem).

- Judy Mikovitz [sic] is bat shit
crazy (COVID pun intended)
- Bill Gates is not patenting any of
these drugs ... and what the fuck do you think he
would do with >$100 millon more anyway?
- Masks aren't going to kill you
- The world is scary now.
Believing that this is all part of a global
conspiracy is more comforting than the truth.
If we give into fear and ignore *actual* science
things will only get worse
This post has been revised since its original
publication, most notably, to add information contradictory to
Trudeau's COVID-19 "updates" (specifically, about
COVID-19 in Latin America). ~ CC