
Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Year of the Snake: a reptile dysfunction, redux

Happy Lunar New Year to all who celebrate it. It's the Year of the Snake, according to the Chinese zodiac, though not all countries that observe the holiday follow that zodiac. But since we're on the theme of snakes, I think it's a good time to recycle the song lyrics that I originally wrote and published back in 2016, shortly after the disastrous election that rocketed #NotMyPresident Donald John Trump to undeserved power the first time. I've only changed a few words in order to update it.

As you may know, this was inspired by
Trump's abiding obsession with a poem -- actually song lyrics -- about a tender-hearted lady and a nefarious, deadly snake. Trump always loved to read it on the campaign trail, taking pains to ensure that his audience understood that the snake represented immigrants. If you want to sing along, here's a video of Al Wilson performing the snake song.

The Orange Snake*
by Cosmic Connie

On the road to ruin one morning
Down the path along the lake
Some angry voters came upon a huge and leering snake
His skin was orange and glowing and he wore a bright red hat
"Oh my, " the voters cried, "Here’s something new! Let’s vote for that!”
“Vote me in, o angry voters
Vote me in, for heaven’s sake
Vote me in, unhappy citizens,” smirked the snake.

They welcomed him so warmly even as he bared his fangs
They cheered his glowing orangeness and his odd combed-over bangs
They clapped and cheered at every hateful diatribe he spewed
For they believed that under him the realm would be renewed.
“Vote me in, unhappy voters
Vote me in, for heaven’s sake
Vote me in, you angry voters,” grinned the snake

And they did so with malicious glee. “Our hero!” they all cried
"If Kamala had won, our dear Republic would have died!”
They cheered the huge orange reptile till reality intruded:
They saw he’d granted favors but that they were not included.
“Stop your whining, loser voters
Suck it up, for heaven’s sake
I’ve made our country greater,” leered the snake.

“We loved you, " cried the voters
“And you've screwed us so, but why?
You know the things you’re doing might just make our nation die!”
“Oh shut up, stupid losers,” said the reptile with a grin
“You knew damn well just what I was, but voted me back in
You bought my lies, you losers
Every lie, for heaven’s sake

And now I’m here forever,” jeered the snake.
© 2016, 2025 by Connie L. Schmidt

Unfortunately the prediction implied in my lyrics, regarding Trumpcult members becoming disillusioned with their idol, never came to pass during that first disastrous term. In a sane world, they would have awakened en masse back then -- or at least at some time during the four years he was out of office but continued to wreak chaos and incite violence -- and we wouldn't have been where we unfortunately are today. And the final line in my lyrics, regarding the snake being "here forever," would have been moot.

This time around, however, there are signs of a growing possibility that some Trump voters are maybe beginning to experience voters' remorse as they see him and his new, much more powerful, well-funded, and meticulously organized wrecking crew at work destroying America.

At least some Trump voters are expressing shock at what he and his cartel of thugs are doing, for they're seeing that his cruel policies and actions could very well ruin their lives, not just the lives of those they hate and fear.

Take immigration, f'rinstance. Although scads of hateful MAGAs are nearly orgasmic because Trump appears to be keeping his promises and threats to rid the republic of the "illegals" who are "poisoning the blood of our country," there are some Trump supporters who are saying, "Oh, shit."

As God Himself put it in
a January 29, 2025 piece about Trump supporters getting deported or fearing that they or loved ones will be, "Leopard, meet face." That of course is a reference to the popular social media meme about people voting for the Leopards Eating People's Faces party and then expressing shock that the hungry cats are coming for their own faces.

Then there's
the totally illegal funding freeze that Caligula and the Cost Cutters attempted to foist upon the American people, to the potential detriment of millions -- including some of the poorest of the Trumpy poor. Despite a court injunction to delay the freeze, the wrecking crew apparently opted to go full speed ahead with it, but blowback was so fierce that the White House actually pulled back -- for now, anyway.

But don't think that this battle is over. It will very likely rise again in some form -- indeed, the White House claims that their pullback is merely a rescission of
the original memo issued on the evening of January 27. Moreover, even that surprise move was enough to cause widespread panic and confusion and chaos, even among republicans. In any case it's all straight from the Project 2025 playbook; indeed, Trump's choice to head the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), Ross Vought, is one of the chief architects of Project 2025. Despite the cabal's cover story about reducing government waste, freezing many billions of dollars in aid and benefits is actually in the service of centralizing power to the president in dangerous new ways.

And let's not forget Trump's outrageous wholesale pardoning/sentence commutation of the violent January 6 offenders who tried to overthrow the government, defaced the nation's Capitol, threatened the lives of lawmakers of both parties, tried to murder the Vice President, and viciously attacked numerous police officers for doing their job. Even the largest
cop unions, who for the most part had been reliably Trumpist, were appalled by the pardons.

All of the above are just a few of
the atrocities that Mango Mussolini has perpetrated, or tried to perpetrate, in his first week and a half back in office (follow that link for more).

Given all of this, a growing tide of disillusionment with Trump -- even among the more devoted MAGAts -- is not completely beyond the realm of possibility. They may even acknowledge that yes, the horrors were Trump's doing and not that of Biden/Obama/the Democrats et al. And perhaps (oh, we can dream, can't we?) the devotees will finally rebel in numbers large enough to actually help move the country away from disaster.

Unfortunately, if Trump and his thugs have their way, the uprising, should it happen, may very well be too little, too late. The damage will have been done, and much of it may be irreparable. It's too early to say. But make no mistake about it, these guys are hard at work plotting to fix it so that they stay in power indefinitely, transforming the land of the free and the home of the brave into an oligarchic, white Christian nationalist Turd Reich. One particularly devoted Trumpanzee, Representative Andy Ogle of Tennessee, is so serious about it that
he has proposed to amend the 22nd Amendment to allow his idol to serve a third term.

"And now I'm here forever," jeered the snake.

* No offense is intended to actual snakes, which serve a useful purpose in nature.

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