
Friday, June 21, 2024

The nightmare of a second Trump term: John Oliver nails it

I really hate to keep harping on this (well, no I don't), but anyone who remains unaware of what a profound peril a second Trump "presidential" term would be -- not only for American democracy and national security but also for democracy and security across the globe -- is either willfully blind, or has been in a coma for the past eight or nine years, or is hopelessly naive, or is profoundly stupid.

I wrote at length
in November of 2023 about this, outlining the specific threats posed by Trump's own "Agenda 47" and an evil, well-funded, and well-organized Christofascist tool known as "Project 2025." And of course countless others who have a much broader reach and infinitely more knowledge, experience, and insight than I do have also been sounding alarms all over the place.

And yet... and yet... Mango Mussolini has a very good chance of oozing back into the Oval Office.

I know blogs are unexciting and even, many would argue, passe, or at least somewhat unfashionable. But videos are not. And the lovely and talented John Oliver, with his characteristic John Oliver-ness, really nailed the Trump 2.0 threat on a recent edition of Last Week Tonight. If the embedded video above doesn't work, here is the direct YouTube link.

It's worth your time to watch.

And if you're eligible and registered, it's very much worth your time to vote blue this November, from the White House all the way down-ballot. Staying home, or voting for a spoiler "presidential" candidate like anti-vax/conspiranoid loon RFK Jr., are not options -- unless, of course, you want to see American and Western democracy crushed by a lethal combination of evil, cynicism, and stupidity.

Please pay attention to the warnings. Someday, and much sooner than you might think, it may be too late.

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