
Thursday, April 02, 2020

Lockdown, schlockdown -- Kevin Trudeau is still pooping out COVID-19 nuggets from Camp Cupcake

Imprisoned serial scammer Kevin Trudeau (aka KT, aka Katie), whose lengthy sales letters disguised as "updates" about the novel coronavirus disease COVID-19 we visited in my previous post, is still busily excreting his "exclusive" information that "They" don't want you to know about the contagion. Despite the fact that on March 20, 2020, he announced through a proxy that his minimum-security prison camp, FPC Montgomery (AL) was being put on lockdown status due to the coronacrisis -- and that he would be confined to his room with no phone access and almost zero email access -- the info-turds began piling up again a couple of days later. As of the publication of this post, there are a total of nine "updates."

I summarized the first three updates in my previous post, and a March 20 Trudeau Facebook missive that I'd quoted at the beginning of that post was subsequently
dubbed Update # 4. In newer updates Trudeau refers to Update # 4 several times, because that's the one where he listed some of his fabricated seekrit sources, e.g., members of royal families, prime ministers of various countries, health orgs from several nations, the U.N., secret-society members, "Gurus" who can tap into the ethers and download information, plus several other sources so ultra-secret that he cannot even mention them.

In other words, as I've previously noted, it's much the same cast of mystery players that he employed to suck people into
his mega-scam GIN (the Global Information Network) more than 10 years ago. But as blatantly crapitalistic as Trudeau's copy is, most of the responses on Facebook are the usual breathless praise and thanks, with some respondents even calling him, "Master."

Here's what's in the latest pile:

Update # 5: March 22, 2020.

Katie repeats his mantra that for the most part the corona scare is hysteria based on lies by the media, and he spits out more words and numbers to support his claim. He also promotes some of his buddies' scams and schemes, e.g., the Morters' B.E.S.T. system... the late Mary Miller's I Ching Systems crap... and Dr. Roger Callahan's tapping ritual, which, when practiced, makes Jack Nicholson's OCD character in the 1997 movie As Good As It Gets look like a perfectly normal person by comparison.

Update # 6: March 23, 2020.

In this one Trudeau repeats his central conspiracy narrative about the virus, and as evidence he cites a totally imaginary conference call among top mainstream news media executives. Of course, these execs are part of the Globalist Elitist conspiracy to destroy the US economy and make sure that Donald Trump is not re-elected. There's no word on whether execs from media outlets in other parts of the world besides the US were in on the call.
The media is lying to you, misleading you and deceiving you. They are being totally irresponsible.
A conference call was held with several of the top executives of the mainstream media outlets including CNN; ABC News; NBC News; The NY Times; and several others.

Here is what was said on the call:

“We all need to work together to create as much fear and panic as possible. We can shut down and kill the US economy and make sure Trump is not reelected. If we create enough destruction to the economy, we can get the end result we want even if Trump stays in office.” 
Whatever you say, Kev. He also pushes his Natural Cures books. Again.

Update # 7: March 24, 2020.
Redundancy, thy name is Kevin Trudeau. Among other things, Katie repeats his mantra about COVID-19 not being nearly as bad as other diseases, or wars, and he reiterates that he is the only one with exclusive access to the real corona-info from his secret sources such as world leaders, the Bilderbergs, members of Skull and Bones, royalty, et al. (Fortunately, he adds, GIN also has access to the data, and you can too, but only if you join GIN.) 

Once again Trudeau offers a laundry list of ominous possibilities that are fundamental to contemporary conspiranoia: gun confiscation, martial law, a one-world police force, nano-bots, chem-trails, etc. It will probably come as no big surprise that he enjoins his readers to stay tuned because he, and only he, has the correct information.

Best of all, he says, there will be wonderful money opportunities for those in the know.

MOST IMPORTANTLY: This virus will pass without a worldwide fatality rate anywhere close to the above horrific numbers [he is referring to his previously cited stats from the Black Plague, World War II, the Spanish flu, the Hong Kong flu of 1968, etc.] 

When this is over, there will be a global SURGE of prosperity and health.

There are financial opportunities all around the world now like I have never seen in my life. People will look back and say “I wish I lived in 2020 when all the great opportunities were just lying around for the taking”.
Of course you have to stay tuned to Katie's BS channel (and/or join GIN) in order to get the scoop on those financial ops.

Update # 8: March 26, 2020.

Aaaand... Katie is off and running again with his beloved one-world conspiracy and the dump-Trump plot.
This "Coronavirus (Covid-19)" hysteria is a trial run for more "centralized control" by attempting to destroy the world's economy, thus creating an urgent "need" for more governmental power, thus eliminating more of our freedoms.

The MAIN reason for this Virus hysteria, however, is to destroy the US economy and get Trump out of office so that the Globalists can take over again.

As the government tries to take more control, it will be touted as "For Your Own Good and Safety". In fact, people will DEMAND giving up their freedoms out of irrational fear.

Now, don't get me wrong. I too worry about the possibility (probability?) of folks giving up freedoms on what they think is a temporary basis, and discovering too late that those freedoms are gone for good. But I think that most truly observant people are fundamentally worried about Trump himself, and other authoritarian "leaders" throughout the world, who pose far bigger threats in this area than any virus ever could. From The Atlantic:
While a disciplined autocrat such as [Hungary's prime minister Viktor] Orbán might be more obviously dangerous to American democracy than an erratic one such as Trump, the latter’s actions fit a similar template that bodes ill for American institutions. Recent history shows that authoritarian populists engage in six categories of assaults on democracy, of which seizing raw executive power is but one. As president, Trump has engaged in each of these behaviors: spreading disinformation, quashing dissent, politicizing independent institutions, amassing executive power, delegitimizing communities, and corrupting elections.
And this, from the New York Times:
In Hungary, the prime minister can now rule by decree. In Britain, ministers have what a critic called “eye-watering” power to detain people and close borders. Israel’s prime minister has shut down courts and begun an intrusive surveillance of citizens. Chile has sent the military to public squares once occupied by protesters. Bolivia has postponed elections.

As the
coronavirus pandemic brings the world to a juddering halt and anxious citizens demand action, leaders across the globe are invoking executive powers and seizing virtually dictatorial authority with scant resistance.

Governments and rights groups agree that these extraordinary times call for extraordinary measures. States need new powers to shut their borders, enforce quarantines and track infected people. Many of these actions are protected under international rules, constitutional lawyers say.

But critics say some governments are using the public health crisis as cover to seize new powers that have little to do with the outbreak, with few safeguards to ensure that their new authority will not be abused.
Defenders of Trudeau might argue that he has properly called out the frightening prospect of governments taking more control for the "good and safety" of the populace. But he doesn't go far enough. Because he refuses to call out Donald Trump and other authoritarian/right-wing leaders as part of the problem, instead concentrating his political gripes on the left and "liberals," he has done a half-ass job at best of defining the real threat.

And to suggest, as Trudeau repeatedly does, that the entire coronavirus scare is a devious worldwide plot to get Donald Trump out of office is either disingenuous or idiotic... but consider the source.

After reiterating all of the nefarious things that the Global Elite are cooking up, Katie reassures you that you don't have to live in fear about whether or not their plans will come to fruition, because even if the worst happens, you can be free of all that.
The key is being able to live and have your “consciousness” and physical body, out of this “matrix”. You need to be “awake” and totally informed. You need to stay out of the “trance”. Then you can live your life with complete freedom and without fear.

You will prosper in every area of your life.

You will be part of the “Third Class” of people: Those who are FREE.

And in this case, you will live better than you have ever lived in your life. You will be happier and more at peace than you could have ever imagined. You will be free on all levels and all dimensions. You will be “liberated” and more “conscious” than ever before.

Many will reach “enlightenment”.

You will experience the best physical health you could ever imagine. You will prosper and thrive in ways that you never dreamed possible.

This is one reason why being a member of The Global Information Network will be so valuable.

Members will know how to live out of the “matrix”.

Members will not be walking around in a “trance”, virtually hypnotized by the “powers that be”.

Members will be left alone and allowed to prosper.

In fact, Members will be HELPED to prosper and be given many advantages.

Members will “see everything” and be “totally aware”... 
But then he goes on to provide a couple of links on the GuruKev site that outline his vision of "The Club" and "The Ship," but do not specifically refer to the Global Information Network. Again, this raises the question -- which I first asked in my GuruKev post in December 2019 -- of whether Trudeau's real agenda is to promote what's left of GIN, or to lay the groundwork for a rival club whose members he will poach from GIN. In the end I suppose it really doesn't matter, because it's all bull.

Update # 9: March 30, 2020.

This one begins with Katie patting himself on the back -- again -- by claiming that all of the "predictions" in his previous updates are coming true. He also accuses "Them" of manipulating COVID-19 data to make the virus appear much worse than it actually is.
For example:
  • a doctor can look at anyone who dies and say “we ASSUME he died of the coronavirus” and add him to the numbers even though no test was performed to verify if that person even had the virus! FRAUD!
  • If a person dies of natural causes and HAD the virus and had fully recovered, he is still counted as being killed BY the virus instead of simply dying WITH the virus! FRAUD!
While it is true that there is some confusion surrounding death and mortality rates for COVID-19, there are legitimate reasons for this: reasons that have nothing to do with fraud, or with a cabal of Global Elites manipulating data in order to get Trump out of the picture so the Globalists can have their way with the helpless world.

The false claim that the mainstream media (and the Democrats/liberals) have been seriously inflating the number of COVID-19 deaths may be comforting to many, but pushing this claim is also a cynical political strategy for some. It has certainly become a rallying cry among Trump supporters and right-wing pundits and factions. So, even apart from his commercial motives (or, on the other hand, perhaps intimately related to them), it's no surprise that Kevin Trudeau, who seems to have firmly staked his claim with the Trumpsters and right-wingers, would be repeating this assertion.

Much less comforting is the likelihood that COVID-19 deaths are being under-counted. From an externally-sourced opinion piece in The National Memo:
New York City’s Health Department breaks down its data for COVID-19 deaths by identifying how many of the deceased had underlying conditions, how many did not, and how many for whom that information is currently unknown. Some online conspiracy theorists have argued that only the death toll for the tiny fraction of cases without underlying conditions should be considered, a frame subsequently adopted by some right-wing media figures. But as the Daily Dot noted in demolishing this talking point, a large percentage of Americans have at least one of the listed conditions, which include high blood pressure, asthma, and diabetes.

In fact, COVID-19’s death toll is almost certainly being undercounted. The Wall Street Journal 
analyzed data from Italy and concluded that as the virus stretched the health care system to its breaking point, “many people who die from the virus don’t make it to the hospital and are never tested,” and thus are not included in the official count. By comparing the number of deaths in particular communities to the same period a year ago, the Journal concluded that the true count is “far higher” than the recorded one. Evidence from Spain and anecdotal reports from the United States suggest that the Italian experience is not an anomaly.

But that hasn’t kept leading right-wing media figures, including people from both Fox News’ “opinion” and “news” sides, from pushing the flawed argument that the count is being exaggerated.
And it clearly won't stop Trudeau from pushing that argument in the service of furthering his own marketing agenda.

Never one to miss a marketing op, Katie also uses this update to promote his Natural Cures books once again, claiming that following the "advice" in these books could save your life right now.

But perhaps the most amusing bit is when he slides back into his wise-spiritual-guru shtick, waxing both religious and new-agey love-and-light-ish. Notwithstanding his many years of railing against governments and central banks, he asks his followers now to place their trust in these institutions, and, oh, yes, in 'the loving "Creator."'
All around the world, governments, central banks, and industry are extremely well-capitalized and will continue to take aggressive measures to make the “financial pain and suffering” as minimal as possible and last for as short amount of time as possible.

Think about this: When you get on a plane, you relax, even though you don’t know who the pilot is.

When you get on a ship, you relax, even though you don’t know the captain.

You get on a bus, a train, or in a taxi and feel totally at ease and safe, even though you don’t know who is doing the driving.

Then why don’t you relax RIGHT NOW and feel safe and at ease, knowing that the loving “Creator” is totally in control and all this is just a play of consciousness?

All is VERY well indeed my friends. [smiley emoji]

Think about this.

Most importantly, always wash your hands well. And every time you do, remember whose hands you are in!

You are loved and protected by a loving benevolent “Creator” who has everything under control.

Your friend in light, love and consciousness,

Kevin Trudeau
So if the loving benevolent "Creator" has everything under control, why the f?!k do the rubes need Katie to guide them through these troubling times and those to come? Or is he insinuating that he is the "Creator?" I have no doubt that if he came right out and said he is, at least some of those Facebook fans would say, "Amen!"

* * * * *

I know I'm getting redundant with these warnings that Kevin Trudeau is, always has been, and always will be a scammer. Maybe you're tired of hearing it from me. But I'm far from the only one saying it, and I wish more people would listen.

a recent GINtruth post, my blogging colleague Bernie reminds readers of how Trudeau ruthlessly exploited the 2012 hysteria. Bernie links to a 2012 GINtruth post in which is embedded one of numerous videos of Trudeau's empty promises of information that "They" don't want you to know. If you weren't aware of that scam, or if you'd simply like a reminder, watch the video. It's only a snippet, the tip of a toxic iceberg, and most of Trudeau's 2012 promos are long gone from the web. But many of us remember how he relentlessly and aggressively used false promises of lifesaving 2012 info to manipulate hundreds of people to join GIN or to upgrade their membership to "higher" and progressively more pricey levels. As a direct result of his coercive marketing, millions of dollars were poured into what was in effect a slush fund for Trudeau.

And December 21, 2012 came and went... and nothing happened. Please remember this if you're tempted to believe that Kevin Trudeau actually has any information of value about COVID-19, or anything else.

And know that now, as always, Trudeau is selling himself as an indispensable resource for information not because he cares about you, but because he has found it to be an effective way to pick your pocket as he rolls out one frauduct or flopportunity after another.
As another one of my blogging colleagues, Jason "Salty Droid" Jones (who coined the terms "frauduct" and "flopportunity") wrote on
a recent post about the incorrigible conspiracy peddler and alt-right wingnut Alex Jones:
Conspiracist quackery, fear mongering, and modernity’s rudderless social media fascism are all rooted in blatant fucking scammery. Fighting back against scaled fraud would be the most effective way of beating back the world’s worst things (without implicating free speech concerns). Maybe these assholes believe some of the shite they spew (not likely), but their primary motivation is in the fleecing of America’s poor and middle classes.
That certainly applies to Kevin Trudeau.

That's it for now. I really need to move on to another topic for a while, because the stench is getting to me. If you want to continue tracking it, find yourself some personal protective gear, put it on, and visit the
Facebook fan page or the COVID-19 update portal on the KevinTrudeau site. Enjoy!

Related on this Whirled:


  1. In keeping with my commitment to not waste another entire blog post on this, but in the interests of keeping you informed about Kevin Trudeau's covidiotic misinformation campaign, I'll mention that since this post was published, "Update # 10" came out (April 4, 2020). The all-caps headline is: "COVID-19 MAN-MADE?" About halfway through the missive he says, that yes, the virus WAS man-made, and that "This is CONFIRMED." He promises validation of this in future updates.

    And the reason for the creation of the virus and the ensuing panic? Katie has the answer! "Trying to destroy the US economy and getting Trump out of office IS ONE of the main reasons for this (there are NEW calls from the LEFT to impeach the President AGAIN!) There are several other reasons why this whole thing has been orchestrated. I will reveal this shortly."

    Shortly? He probably needs a little time to make up some more stories.

    Regarding the lockdown question: At the beginning of the post he explains that his facility is indeed "locked down" so updates will be short, but he asks readers to keep tuning in because he has "so much, very detailed information from all over the world" that you need to know but that "They" are not telling you.

    Then he's off and running with his usual self-validation. He tries to explain the differences between first-, second-, and third-hand sources of information. He says the news media today rely almost solely on third-hand info, and he is practically the only one who gets most of his info first-hand, so therefore HE is the most reliable source.

    He writes:

    "In today's journalist-world of fake-news, almost ALL stories come from only 1 third-hand source. Nothing is verified.

    "All the information in my updates is coming from First-hand sources, or at least 3 Second-hand sources. I do not use third-hand sources other than to verify the data even further.

    "So you are getting REAL news here."

    Once a cult leader, always a cult leader.

  2. As of April 7, 2020 there's now an Update # 11, in which, among other things, Kevin insists that his purpose for the updates is NOT just to promote GIN. He writes:

    'Am I "just promoting and selling GIN"?

    'No. I certainly am promoting GIN, and certainly encourage everyone to consider applying for membership. But I get nothing if a person joins GIN.

    'Think of it this way: Everyone in my view is on the Titanic, but no one knows it is sinking.
    'I am in a lifeboat and have a helicopter ready to take me to complete safety.
    Should I encourage people to get off the Titanic and into the lifeboat with me?

    'Of course.

    'GIN, in my opinion, is the lifeboat.

    'It is my obligation and responsibility to encourage people to “get off the Titanic" and into a lifeboat.

    'But that is your choice. It does not matter to me at all if you become a member or not. GIN is not for everyone..."

    Somebody must have been reading my blog posts to him. :-) BTW, spoiler alert: He's lying about "getting nothing" if people join GIN.

    The rest of the "Update" is just a reiteration of the stuff he's been writing repeatedly, including the reassurance that God loves you, and so does Kevin.
