Friday, November 19, 2010

I'm still here

Good Goddess, it's been over a month since I've blogged! Don't worry, I haven't gone away. (Or, depending upon who you are, do worry; I haven't gone away.) I have been preoccupied with chasing the Almighty Dollar, reorganizing my home office and library, and tending to various other matters of consequence. Ron and I have also unfortunately had to say goodbye to another one of our four-legged companions: our eldest cat Coca. I have a half-finished blog post about her, which will go up within the next few days.

And after that, I'm returning to Snarky Town, so get ready.


Anonymous said...

Thank goddess you're still here! My sympathies on losing Coca :( Looking forward to future snarking.

Snark, snark,

Cosmic Connie said...

Thanks, Barb, for the condolences and your continuing support of snarkitude!

mojo said...

Awww, sorry to hear about your cat, Connie. It's always tough losing a friend.

While waiting for your new snark, did you happen to catch "Family Guy" this past Sunday? It's called "Brian Writes a Bestseller" --basically Brian craps out a "Secret" clone in a few hours (for starters, it has 50 blank pages-- "Hey, make THEM do all the work!"). He then goes on a publicity tour to promote it. He winds up on Bill Maher and the entire panel rips the Selfish-Help industry a new one.

I'm not a HUGE FG fan, but it's mildly amusing. You can probably find it on Hulu, if you're interested.

Cosmic Connie said...

Thanks, Mojo. I know you've been through the same sort of loss recently so you REALLY know what we're going through here.

I didn't catch that episode of Family Guy but will definitely check it out as soon as my satellite IP loosens its iron grip re Fair Usage. (They allege we've used more than our fair share for this past 30-day period.) I didn't care for Family Guy too much at first but it has definitely grown on me and I have find myself LOL-ing, or at least snickering, at least once during every episode that I've seen lately.

Brian would be the perfect one to write a selfish-help book, IMO.

Last week's episode of the new William Shatner vehicle, "Bleep My Dad Says," didn't exactly rip the selfish-help industry a new one, but Shatner's character managed to get in a few good digs at the industry, before he ended up in bed -- literally -- with one of its practitioners, played by Cybil Shepherd. (The episode aired on Thursday, Nov. 18.)

hhh said...

Poor Coca.
Poor Connie!

Cosmic Connie said...

Thanks, HHH. I guess we're not so unfortunate, though, Coca and I; we had a good life together for 13 years (she came to live with Ron and me when she was about 3 years old).

But I really need to get that post written, and then get back to snarking.

Hhh said...

It sounds like you got a knock at the door one day and opened it to find a cat with a suitcase, saying "Hi, how's it going, just thought I'd move in, is that a space by the sideboard? Wouldn't mind getting me a saucer of milk would you, and maybe turn the heating up a notch?"

Cosmic Connie said...

Nah, HHH, she wouldn't have asked us to turn the heat up because it was summer. The real story of how she came to live with us is more dramatic. I will probably tell at least part of it in my blog post.

Anonymous said...

I have an idea, Connie.

Cosmic Connie said...

Great idea, Anon. My only reservation is that it might endanger interdimensional relations, and could possibly compromise the safety of our operatives who are stationed in the twelfth, eighteenth, and sixty-third dimensions.

But I know I need to get busy on this Whirled again, and soon!

Anonymous said...

Having looked at the video about the Anonymous DDOS attacks on scientology websites, it would not surprise me if that started to happen to other orgs of a similar nature. That is, and I say I would not do that, I think it would be fun to see a few new age bastards shut down.

dis. said...

¡Viva la Revolución!

We have rioting in the streets, schoolkids breaking into the Treasury and a Royal consort being poked with a stick while in her bulletproof limousine, to the chants of "Off with their heads"

And then wikileaks! the plebs are revolting.

Danton lives.

'We have not killed Danton. We have multiplied, disseminated him. His blood has already begun to yield its crop. Like the blood of a mythical hero, it breeds an avenger from its every drop.
When we fall-you and I, Antoine-quicklime will swallow and consume us, our thought will be blown away like a breath; only our names will remain as prey for historians. But Danton cannot be killed. For Danton is the colossus of life-the first-born son of Nature, the immortal beast in man.

Until man outgrows this beast in himself, he will time after time rebel and bleed-in vain. Revolution will not survive to achieve its aim this time, or the second, or the fifth time. Danton's corruption, Danton's lie will after a while outweigh the upward momentum...'

Cosmic Connie said...

Anon Dec. 12 12:57: While I agree that the scammers deserve to be put out of business, in lieu of cyber-attacks, I opt for the free exchange of ideas on sites such as this one, SHAMblog, and Salty Droid's blog. I don't have any particular agenda on my blog -- that is, I am not specifically trying to shut anyone down. I merely call it as I see it (though I haven't been doing much "calling it" lately, at least not on this blog). It is my feeling that when people read critical opinions or even merely satirical pieces about New-Wage gurus, they will at least think twice before putting their life savings, or even their life, in the hands of people who are, in my opinion, scoundrels and sociopaths.

Cosmic Connie said...

Dis: Your point about the indestructibility of 'Danton' is well taken. I fear, however, that in the attempts to kill 'Danton,' more rights and freedoms will fall along the wayside. Already the US military has banned thumb drives and other removable media on systems, servers, and stand alone machines residing on SIPRNET, the DOD's secret network. Possession of said drives at work by soldiers, airmen, and others is a court-martial-able offense. Now, this ban may just be temporary, but then again, I can't help wondering: How long will it be before similar bans -- and worse -- spread to civilian life?

Or am I just being overly paranoid?

hHh said...

Pretty ironic that all this trouble has come from a post revolutionary country - USA. I guess revolutions only have a certain lifespan before going stale.

hHh said...

That is, the crisis got it's initial push from corrupt financial practices and deregulation in the US, but I wouldn't say the US is solely responsible by a long way for vulnerabilities in so many countries finances.
In the UK we are looking at the emulation of the American system with terror and loathing.

Hhh said...

But anyway, aside from all that, I am so glad to once again look at that little blue picture of your radiantness.